I guess it was back in the mid-nineties, before all that impeachment nonsense, when it first began to dawn on me that the Republican Party was really just an unbelievably malevolent force that never said what it meant and whose intentions were always worse than a normal person would consider feasible. This is no longer news to a growing percentage of the country, particularly those in the media who actually have to cover and understand policy. For today’s examples, all you have to do is look at how they want to “fix” the problem with Obamacare incentivizing businesses to give their employees less than thirty-five hours of work a week and how they want to “fix” the shortfall in Social Security revenues by refusing to allow a transfer from the Trust Fund.

If you understand the double game they are playing in both of these cases, you’re enlightened like Yoda.

Unfortunately, you’ll now be condemned to look at this country of 300 million people as a nation of rubes who continue to fall for this shit despite all our efforts to reason with them.