If Jeb Bush wants to distinguish himself from his idiot brother, he’s going to have to show that he’s not completely incompetent. He’ll also have to break with Dubya on some substantive policy issues. Giving a shit about people’s privacy would be a good place to start. But this isn’t getting it done on either score:
Only Tuesday morning, likely Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush launched a website containing all of his emails from the eight years he spent as Florida’s governor. Unfortunately, as the Verge first noted, this effort at transparency was too transparent: No one bothered to remove all of the full names, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, and other personal information included in Bush’s communications with the people of Florida. Additionally, the Verge found several emails in which Bush’s interlocutors gave highly detailed descriptions of their employment and medical situations.
What’s ironic here is that Jeb was trying to distinguish himself by showing that he’s a) hard-working enough to answer constituent email, and b) that he’s really transparent about government business. These are nice thoughts, but the execution was lacking.
Just dumping people’s Social Security numbers, home addresses, and sensitive medical conditions on the internet for everyone to see is the kind of thing a total dick does on purpose, not what a careful politician does to prove his worthiness for the highest office in the land.
Their excuse is pretty funny, actually, because all it does is explain how they made such a boneheaded move:
When asked about the apparent screw-up, a Bush spokesperson pointed out that the emails are an “exact replica” of those at Florida’s State Department, which are “available at anyone’s request under Chapter 119 sunshine laws.” Of course, such requests are generally a little more specific than every single available document, to be published online for everyone to see.
In other words, they thought that the records were public already, which they (very) technically were, and so they couldn’t possibly contain any information that would damage people if plastered on the ex-governor’s website. But, of course, no one was going to read these documents unless they specifically requested them.
It’s the equivalent of saying that no one could have predicted that New Orleans’ levees would fail after pretty much the entire world had been discussing that possibility in print and on television for more than a week. If you’re paying attention at all, you know that it’s a bad idea to just start dumping people’s sensitive information on the internet and inviting people to look at it.
Relatedly, Jeb hired a Chief Technology Officer who likes to Tweet about sluts and thinks he can belch away the gay.
These are the equivalents of giving Jeff Gannon/James Dale Guckert a White House press pass and hiring the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association to head the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
If Jeb is going to be politically successful, he cannot afford to remind people of what an asshole his brother was, but that’s off to a very bad start.
Did we ever find out who Guckert/Gannon was seeing?
Someone in the FOIA squad should track that down.
Isn’t it time for the White House to have a little fun and accountability with the previous administration?
I always assumed it was McClellan.
… at the very least.
The Gannon/Guckert deal began under Fleischer’s tenure.
I never had McClennan on my list, but had it been him, he wouldn’t have dared publish a memoir critical of the Bush WH or have endorsed Obama in 2008.
McClellan was the deputy press secretary at the time and a much more plausible culprit that the higher visibility and ostensibly straight Ari.
Half the Bush WH set off gaydar pings.
Yes, but in McClellan’s case, the suspicion was confirmed.
When? Where?
Married in 2003 and still married.
Who handles these candidates? Did no one think to ask if this was a good idea to do this? Good thing the voters are paying zero attention.
His CTO was too busy trying to scrub his social media files to pay attention to these details.
How is sharing public information a way of showing transparency?
It kind of works for the same reason this didn’t.
Almost any release of info will make Bush appear transparent when you put him up against Mitt.
All of you people seem to think the current crop of Republican politicians (I don’t include non-office holders in this statement) ARE politicians. They aren’t. Everett Dirkson was a politician. Richard Nixon was a politician. Hell, RONALD REAGAN was a politician.
For the most part, these Republican office holders are simply semi-telegenic people with the means to not work for 6 months while they get elected the first time. You have to work HARD to not get re-elected in MS, AL, KS, OH, MN (they kept re-electing Bachmann for crying out loud) … as a Republican. It’s practically impossible for a Republican to lose in R districts of PA. God Forbid there be a congressional Democrat from Idaho … actually I think its somewhere in their constitution. This means that these guys don’t play well outside their own balliwick. They have zero experience in the brutal wars of contested seats. Please note that primaries where you have to move right, right, right don’t count.
Jeb Bush’s unforced error won’t rebound against him in MS, ID, WY or GA. It will cause wave(let)s in OH, WI, IL, PA and VA.
Its pretty much why Democrats start with a (roughly) 236-212 advantage. (http://www.270towin.com/ and move CO, IA, WI, OH, NV, VA, FL, NH and 1 ME from Blue to not-Red.) You will notice that the 212 includes every single state that Romney took. It might be justified to move a couple of the states to “up for grabs” (WV, NC?????).
These people are not politicians. They are no damn good at running for office. With a few exceptions, all they have to do is beat other Republicans and the exceptions DON’T RUN FOR PRESIDENT any more: Gilmore, Tommy Thompson, Huntsman, Gary Johnson.
As far as I can see, the only two worth a hock of spit as campaigners are Scott Walker and John Kasich. Walker is dangerous. I don’t think Kasich has the horses (thank FSM).
Did Bar and George have any intelligent children that lived?
All are chips off the old blocks.
A more polite way of saying the same thing.
Jeb Bush accepted the resignation late Tuesday of the digital guru he had recruited for his likely 2016 presidential campaign after racially insensitive comments the aide previously made surfaced and threatened to undermine Bush’s bid for the White House.