Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Would Jeb accept the VP slot? Yeah, I think so. But my sense is the base will want someone more conservative. I’d guess they’d go with a Southerner, and Rubio would be a good choice if he hadn’t shown a short-lived sanity on immigration.
I not convinced Walker is not smart enough to run for president. He will be running from the press like Sharon Angle. A better VP for bush would be John Bolton…..the hate is strong in that man.
Bush won’t settle for V-P because he won’t lose the nomination, and he certainly won’t lose to Walker, who is apparently a bigger bullshit artist and buffoon than Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
The last two left standing will be Jeb and the Huckster.
JEB is the son of one US President, the brother of another, the former governor of the largest swing state, and a BUSH. The entire concept of JEB is that he’s our natural President. Poppy already paid the family dues by being VP to another; no Bush should ever suffer that indignity again. The Bush family believes that it is entitled to another 8 years of the Presidency; if you come home with the second place trophy, you might as well not come home at all. And don’t forget the family rivalry between JEB and W – if JEB loses, he can actually blame W (in the family) for being such a toxic failure and thus dooming his chances; if he becomes Walker’s VP, he basically acknowledges he’s a pathetic loser who couldn’t do what his idiot brother could.
I honestly can’t envision a likely scenario where the position is even offered to JEB (brokered convention, revolt of “moderates”…not gonna happen), but, to me, him accepting it is virtually unthinkable.
I can’t see Walker getting the opportunity to pick a VP candidate. Once Walker is in the national spotlight, his governing of Wisconsin will be a big target. He has had a lot of scandals, beginning with his position as a Milwaukee County Executive.
I haven’t followed this closely, but is there really enough fire (rather than smoke) there to doom his chances? He somehow managed to get re-elected…
on February 17, 2015 at 11:42 am
…in Wisconsin were all bought and paid for by Koch brothers and other outside conservative funding sources. Were it not for their monies and coordinated control of media in Wisconsin, Tom Ament would not have been removed from his office and Walker’s start in elected office would never have happened. Walker’s rise to governor was marked by criminal activity from the very beginning, but the same forces that aided and abbetted his rise have prevented prosecution of those crimes from gaining traction. The crimes were real and have been more or less proven by the convictions of Walker’s cronies, it’s just never gotten all the way to him. I don’t know. Was the same true of Reagan? I guess GWB was a crook from way back (his evasion of national guard servcie) and he made it through. Anyway, Walker’s a felon and it’s clear he should be in jail.
Actually, Palin did manage to graduate from college, although she sure jumped around quite a bit to get there, including a brief stint in Hawaii (which, as we all know, is barely part of ‘Murika).
So, Sarah Palin would be the more educated half of that ticket.
No. Even if Walker were to get the GOP nomination, which I don’t believe will happen, I don’t see Jeb coming out of political mothballs to accept a mere a VP slot after losing a primary fight.
Besides, Jeb! could affect policy more substantially by being outside of the Administration than as the VP, unless Walker was a W. type who would cede substantial portions of Administration plan-making to his VP. Since Scott already buys his own bullshit about being the courageous New Reagan, and winning the nomination would cement his megalomania even more thoroughly, I REALLY don’t see that happening.
Oh, Scotty would definitely cede planning behind the scenes with Koch/ALEC and other partners of the administration. I just don’t see the goggle-eyed homunculus offering a prominent planning role to a high-profile VP like Jeb! who had just tried to beat him for the GOP POTUS nomination.
Can you see Jeb Bush running as Scott Walker’s number two?
I’m trying to imagine a scenario in which Walker would offer him the slot. It’s not like Bush brings a big constituency to the table, the money people will fall in with whoever gets the nomination. And Walker would simply be adding all the baggage of the last Bush presidency to his campaign.
Would Jeb accept the VP slot? Yeah, I think so. But my sense is the base will want someone more conservative. I’d guess they’d go with a Southerner, and Rubio would be a good choice if he hadn’t shown a short-lived sanity on immigration.
Yes, I know most of FL isn’t really the South.
Uh, Jeb is a two term former governor of that state.
I feel that the roles would be a reversal Bush/Walker ticket.
I not convinced Walker is not smart enough to run for president. He will be running from the press like Sharon Angle. A better VP for bush would be John Bolton…..the hate is strong in that man.
Bush won’t settle for V-P because he won’t lose the nomination, and he certainly won’t lose to Walker, who is apparently a bigger bullshit artist and buffoon than Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
The last two left standing will be Jeb and the Huckster.
And your point is….?
Yes, I can.
I also remember how close Poppy Bush is to the US deep state.
I disagree. I just don’t see Jebster hitching his wagon to Walker in any way what so ever.
JEB is the son of one US President, the brother of another, the former governor of the largest swing state, and a BUSH. The entire concept of JEB is that he’s our natural President. Poppy already paid the family dues by being VP to another; no Bush should ever suffer that indignity again. The Bush family believes that it is entitled to another 8 years of the Presidency; if you come home with the second place trophy, you might as well not come home at all. And don’t forget the family rivalry between JEB and W – if JEB loses, he can actually blame W (in the family) for being such a toxic failure and thus dooming his chances; if he becomes Walker’s VP, he basically acknowledges he’s a pathetic loser who couldn’t do what his idiot brother could.
I honestly can’t envision a likely scenario where the position is even offered to JEB (brokered convention, revolt of “moderates”…not gonna happen), but, to me, him accepting it is virtually unthinkable.
yet another thing I agree with AG.
This makes 2.
I can’t see Walker getting the opportunity to pick a VP candidate. Once Walker is in the national spotlight, his governing of Wisconsin will be a big target. He has had a lot of scandals, beginning with his position as a Milwaukee County Executive.
I haven’t followed this closely, but is there really enough fire (rather than smoke) there to doom his chances? He somehow managed to get re-elected…
…in Wisconsin were all bought and paid for by Koch brothers and other outside conservative funding sources. Were it not for their monies and coordinated control of media in Wisconsin, Tom Ament would not have been removed from his office and Walker’s start in elected office would never have happened. Walker’s rise to governor was marked by criminal activity from the very beginning, but the same forces that aided and abbetted his rise have prevented prosecution of those crimes from gaining traction. The crimes were real and have been more or less proven by the convictions of Walker’s cronies, it’s just never gotten all the way to him. I don’t know. Was the same true of Reagan? I guess GWB was a crook from way back (his evasion of national guard servcie) and he made it through. Anyway, Walker’s a felon and it’s clear he should be in jail.
I also think once he has his chance in the national spotlight he’ll give a “Perry-like” performance and he’ll fade quickly.
Walker-Palin: 2016
“Fuck College!”
Actually, Palin did manage to graduate from college, although she sure jumped around quite a bit to get there, including a brief stint in Hawaii (which, as we all know, is barely part of ‘Murika).
So, Sarah Palin would be the more educated half of that ticket.
No. Even if Walker were to get the GOP nomination, which I don’t believe will happen, I don’t see Jeb coming out of political mothballs to accept a mere a VP slot after losing a primary fight.
Besides, Jeb! could affect policy more substantially by being outside of the Administration than as the VP, unless Walker was a W. type who would cede substantial portions of Administration plan-making to his VP. Since Scott already buys his own bullshit about being the courageous New Reagan, and winning the nomination would cement his megalomania even more thoroughly, I REALLY don’t see that happening.
Oh I think little Scottie would cede quite a lot of plan-making, being a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries and all.
Yeah, but that’s different. They won the auction, fair and square.
Oh, Scotty would definitely cede planning behind the scenes with Koch/ALEC and other partners of the administration. I just don’t see the goggle-eyed homunculus offering a prominent planning role to a high-profile VP like Jeb! who had just tried to beat him for the GOP POTUS nomination.
I’m trying to imagine a scenario in which Walker would offer him the slot. It’s not like Bush brings a big constituency to the table, the money people will fall in with whoever gets the nomination. And Walker would simply be adding all the baggage of the last Bush presidency to his campaign.
And in any case, No.
What point would it be for Jeb to accept the VP position? He’d be over 70 before he had another chance at the prize.