Back on June 14th, 2005, Diane101 opened the first Froggy Bottom(s) Cafe. There would eventually be 721 versions of the cafe in diary form and over 400 more in story form. The last one is available here.
They used to look like this:

Sunglasses are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Some time soon, I’ll be shutting Booman Tribune down and opening Progress Pond. I already have a category set up there for new Froggy Bottom Cafes.
If I haven’t already helped you activate your account at Progress Pond, you can do so by going to the site and trying to sign in. Use the same user name that you use here, but tell it that you’ve forgotten your password.
It should send you a new password, but if you no longer have access to the same email that you used to create an account here, or if you can’t remember which email account you used, just leave a comment in this thread or shoot me an email at I’ll help you get set up.
After this cafe has outlived it’s usefulness, I hope some of the veterans of the over 1100 cafe diaries will get together to publish a goodbye cafe for the BT frog pond and a welcome to the new one.
I hope to see you over at the new place.
This is probably the next-to-last Froggy Bottom Cafe.
Just tried to post another photo in the Progress Pond cafe and it didn’t show up again. I tried logging out and back in but that didn’t help.
It was a coding problem. I edited your comment and it worked.
I’ll sure miss the old place. but its not nearly as busy here since they shut down the plant and moved all our jobs overseas.
Why in my day…
I thought that those jobs went to another blog.
Maybe it’s time we do that ball-tossing thing again. Or a cyber group hug.
Big ((((hugs)))) b2.
Back at you, ID!
Big hugs to both of you. Or maybe we need a Mary-Tyler-Moore group hug. 🙂
And to you. Also, a big group hug might help us stay warm ala three dog night.
Too bad we’ve got 2 dogs. On the good side, we’ve got our Vermont Castings stove keeping us and the dogs (who love that stove — Bebo will lie with head almost up against it).
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Nice and humpy!
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Very dramatic!
Talked to Whit (Family Man) yesterday. He says hi to everybody and is hoping to be back online in April.
That’s good to hear. We’ll have to leave him a trail of breadcrumbs to the new place.
Good plan. 🙂
Cool. Do you have his email address?
He doesn’t have internet yet so email address but I’ll give it to you as soon as I have it.
oops — so no email address yet.
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An Olivia level closeup photo.
Wow, thanks. Really nice to be compared to olivia.
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You’ve got the best ice!
She certainly does! Must be something in the water, eh?
I think it’s something in the rocks. 🙂
We do live in interesting ice.
This is my favorite ice photo this winter.
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That’s amazing.
I wish I knew someone who could explain the processes that create all these wonderfully weird and diverse patterns.
I can – it’s magic, sweetie!
And so are you for doing your special mirror tricks and sharing them with us.
Absolutely magical photo!
Well then, I want the elf who does the magic to come explain it to me! 😉
Sorry to be so late in commenting on this, but that is really cool. Literally, too. Was that some sort of weird frozen boot print, or just what the water did naturally?
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I detecting actual sunshine in that scene.
The sun was only teasing. More white stuff arriving presently.
And I don’t like it one little bit.
More snow tonight, less than 24 hours after our last storm. Sigh.
My sympathies. Warmer temps are finally coming our way, starting Saturday. I hope they quickly move your way (but not too quickly so the melting doesn’t cause flooding).
Andi and I belong to a hiking group (Hoosier Hiker’s Council) that builds and maintains hiking trails in state parks, state forests, and nature preserves. Lots of sharp edged hand tools and a chain saw are involved in trail work – many opportunities for major and minor boo-boos. In addition most of us volunteers are retired folk. A couple of years before I joined the group a 70-ish volunteer had heart attack and died before help could arrive in spite of CPR being administered immediately by his partner. The hiking group offered to pay for some of us getting CPR and wilderness first aid training.
So, I’ve been off getting training in CPR & WFA for the past 3 days. It was incredibly intense. My greatest hope now is that I never am in a situation where I have to apply it. I don’t even feel like I have enough knowledge to be dangerous.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Sounds like it was time well spent. Have a good weekend!
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That squirrel must have been feeling a bit paranoid.
Maybe but it might be more because it knows that at some point (actually at many points) Bebo will come out and chase it.
That would do it.
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Ours is finally melting!
Ours too. It’s almost all gone, except for places that don’t get much light or where it drifted deeper.
With Utah legislators looking to reinstate the use of the firing squad, can the guillotine be far behind?
Ever feel like we’re all taking a spin in H.G. Wells’ Time Machine? ~ backward.
Morlock food.
Since this is going away, I hope to hear from you at Boo’s new site.
As always, may the 4s be with you.
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Love those winter shadows!
I noticed that the maples, dogwoods, sassafras, and even oaks have buds that are swelling. Looking forward to soft green shadows.
The shadows and being able to see sunrises and sunsets are the only things I’m going to miss about winter.
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Too much snow!
But … but … but … it has stripes. 😛
Oh, okay then.
I have a few more winter pics to post but I promise not to post any more that are primarily snow. 🙂
We’re getting as much as 6 more inches tomorrow. Sigh.
You have my full sympathy. I hope the forecasters are wrong, wrong, wrong.
If only.
And very nice stripes are they.
Had to post this photo just because I love it so much.
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Suitably humpy.
Yep, no shortage of those around here.
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Looks like it’s going to snow!
Thankfully, the weather oracle says sunny, breezy & warm today and for much of this week. I predict there will be brush fires.
Fortunately, not that at all — just a very foggy morning.
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Happy hump day/ April fools day!
Is all your snow gone yet?
No. There are still the remains of earlier snowpiles but now greatly reduced in size. Do you have any?
We actually had a lovely spring day yesterday. All the snow (as far as I can tell) is gone. Today, not so much, its rather dreary with rain showers. The temp is nice, though. Its in the low 60s, and the gnashing of wingnut fundie teeth in Indianapolis can be clearly heard throughout the state.
Not a bit. It’s been gone for awhile. We’re starting to get some green things coming up on the forest floor and the maples are flowering. I can’t wait to have some leaves on the trees.
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And not a spot of snow to be seen!
And green things are sprouting on the forest floor. I even saw a few toothwort flowers (they’re always the first wildflower to bloom).
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Love the texture. The green is almost like fur.
It’s almost as soft, too.
A beautiful sunny day here in the Hudson Valley!
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A prickly question.
Not really because newly grown pine needles are so very soft.
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A partial hump.
Or a verdurous diorama of tiny flamingos.
Heh. I’m going with partial hump.
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Last fall’s leaves are still prominent. Reminds me of the cleaning I have yet to do.
You could use the popular “compost in place” method instead. Its ecologically sound, quite gratifying and opens up vast possibilities for creative loafing.
Except, of course, if the leaves are in your gutters.
Ah, yes, that little issue. I must check into those gutter guard thingies.
FM would be proud.
FM is my slacking guru.
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Makes me want to walk there.
Wear yer boots. I muddied my shoes quite well while scattering milkweed seeds for Monarch butterfly habitat this afternoon. My Earth Day reward was a startling pheasant sighting. It flew up from close by as I walked along the bank of a large creek. Hadn’t seen one for many years.
Cool about the pheasants. I don’t think we’ve any in a couple of decades. Maybe they’ll come back.
I’m afraid they’re probably easy prey for coyotes when they’re nesting.
Speaking of coyotes, there’s been one seen several times recently on the upper west side. Apparently he’s looking for a nice one bedroom in a prewar building.
Preferably with a large, easy-access dumpster.
ID is right about the mud but just wear waterproof boots and walk in the creek which has a rock bottom. 🙂
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We used to open those and put them on our noses.
I guess the kids on my block didn’t have enough imagination. All we ever did was “fly” them.
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Double hump!
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Just fiddling (fern) around.
How’s the greenery coming along at your place?
I cut my lawn for the first time this past weekend. I can’t wait to begin planting things. How about yours?
We are getting close to maximum green — just need some more of the oaks and sycamores to green up and we’ll be there.
Jim on a trail about 10 days ago at Brown County State Park.

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He blends in well. It took me a second.
Yeah he does kind of look likes he’s part of the shadows.
I’ve often been told I’m in the dark.
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I’m going to try and not even make a small ripple.
Hmm, I always thought it was a lawyer’s job to make lots of ripples. 😉
I’ve been getting into a bit too much trouble lately.
… I’ve been really bad lately about posting dog photos so here are some for you.
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Thanks Andi. I hadn’t noticed – probably because I love life in the woods more than I do dogs.
Yours are just perfect, and every photo is a treat.
Ah, good to know. 🙂
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Half a hump is better than none at all.
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That’s a strange looking plant.
It’s a beech tree — that’s what the leaves look like as they are opening up.
Although I’m not on the internet, I’m sorta on it. I’m in a VA hospital in a dedicated in-house P. T. program. It has taken me a month to advance from the wheelchair to a walker. Of course, I just did the walker today, but I’m making progress.
The internet thing is my brother bought me an old HP pad and here at the hospital they have Wi-Fi. So I’m trying to understand this pad while I’m in a Wi-Fi area. Once I leave here the Wi-Fi will be gone and the usage will be charged against his data usage. So I’m figuring I have a little over a week left so I’m trying to say hi to everyone.
It’s been so long since I’ve been on the internet that I’ve forgotten almost everything I had learned. So I’m hoping this message will get through. Once I get back home I’m going to try and get back on the internet. I’ve got all the old web sites at home so I hope to be contacting everyone soon.
I hope everyone has been doing great, and that a great summer is ahead of you.
Very good news! Thanks for posting it!
I’ve been wondering where he went! I’m glad he got a chance to say hi, but I wish he was going to have internet access for longer!
Please pass along my best wishes when you hear from him next. I miss his slackerly teachings greatly.
… but you can be above it all.

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Yes. 🙂 And you?
I am so glad to not have to go anywhere today…I feel like I’ve been running on all 3 cylinders (heh) for the last month. I’m actually delighted to be pulling together a real grocery list and lounging with Finn this morning, who has requested that I knit him an owl today. I think I need to oblige that request. 🙂
I may even get to read through this whole thread today…
Howdy. Glad you are having a nice day. Hope you have many more.
Please post a picture of that owl when you’re done.
but basking in the afterglow of a nice day yesterday.
Here is the owl:
That is completely adorable and totally snuggle-worthy.
Finn’s older brother wants one too…and Finn has announced plans for a whole family, with brother and sister owls. 🙂
Apparently he was a big hit at nursery school too.
So Finn’s going to be the idea person and farm the work out to others.
Yep, he’s always thinking. 🙂
Finn is a very wise
owlkiddo.He is an awesome kid, I have to admit. Keeps us on our toes, for sure.
Finn is very wise.
You could sell a lot of those in this little touristy town of ours. Love ’em!
Thanks. He has gone to school with Finny every day this week.
I wish I could just stay home and play with my knitting… 🙂
The b2 boy had (actually still has) a stuffed animal that went everywhere, a white buffalo.
Sounds like you could have a new career as an owl-maker.
Too late for that. Gone to seed, resprouted and gone to seed again.
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It looks nice and cool there. We’re already in the hot and humid phase.
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That opportunist might have a future in DC.
It would certainly fit in well with all the other DC residents of a squirrly nature.
A small woodpecker paid a visit to our feeder early yesterday.
And it very possibly could be that the anti-ant-moat lobby paid him to do it!
More snow tonight, less than 24 hours after our last storm.
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Nice! Olivia would be proud of you.
Thanks — that’s quite the compliment. 🙂
Glad to see that Whit is making progress, but sorry for what sounds like a really long and arduous rehab.
Thanks Andi! It’s good to hear that things are getting a little better for him. Hopefully he’ll back with us soon.
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Maybe its just me, but it seems extra lush this spring. In other news, there’s a chipmunk population explosion here. The cat has thrown in the towel and just watches as they scamper by.
I’m wondering if/how these things relate to warming.
Well, if it means anything, by afternoon the little rodents have pooped out and they gather around the birdbath under little beach umbrellas, sipping tiny zombies with mini parasols and spend the rest of the day hitting on the female chipmunks. Hence the population explosion, I guess.
I see potential investment opportunities in chipmunk baby accouterments.
It’s the squirrels that are abundant here (for which Bebo gives great thanks to the I-love-to-chase-them gods).
More snow tonight, less than 24 hours after our last storm. it’s good to enjoy snow falling but on and off, i cant bears snow storm. In fact I like sunshine.
Terry Towelling Dressing Gown
First the chipmunk invasion then trolls. Sheesh, isn’t the Mercury retrograde over yet?
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That is so green.
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Very serene.
Around here it is easy being green.
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Looks like a nice hump to climb.
We had somewhere between 3″ & 4″ of rain yesterday. In between the downpours, I went over to the preserve Andi and I are monitoring and took a few photos of a cascade cascading.
I liked this one.
Laura Hare Nature Preserve at Downey Hill
I can almost hear the music of those little waterfalls – serene and timeless.
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Very nice! We don’t yet have anything like that.
Really, no wildflowers yet? Or just no daisies?
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It’s nature’s way of saying sorry for the heat and humidity.
Late slip excuse: we’re in the process of moving my 93-year-old mom from Indy where she has lived all her life because we needed her closer where we live. All I can say about it is Oy vey.
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That’s a very pretty scene. Best wishes to your mom. I’ve recently been through similar parental upheaval.
Thanks. It’s been a bit rocky and probably will be that way for awhile but she does that like that we are nearby now.
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Love the contrast of colors!
And pretty unusual to get a shot like that — I don’t remember ever seeing a butterfly among a bunch of oak leaves before.
Nor I. There are several varieties working our zinnias, however and wild honeybees on the bee balm this morning. We saw an interesting pair of critters the other night that we first thought were tiny hummingbirds, but after looking more closely, found they were Sphinx Moths. Never saw them around here before. Their flight and feeding characteristics seem to mimic the hummingbirds’.
Those moths are so freaky and cool — we saw them for the first time out in Colorado last year. I hope they show up at our place.
Photo by JimF
Nice catch Jim!
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So green!
So wet!
So handsome a dog! (says Sniff)
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Oooo – what are those?
Those are the flowers of the spotted wintergreen plant.
Saw the pictures of flooding at the online Democrat site. That one at Washington & Johnson made me worried for you but I guess you are far enough away I don’t have to worry too much … unless we get even more rain.
Thanks for thinking of us. We’re actually 20’+ higher in elevation than that location, so we’re ok. BTW, the link is a pretty nifty tool to find areas that might be underwater when you want to come to town to get milk (or fried biscuits).
Glad you are very safe. The main thing we’d be coming to down for is water — we’ve been since the big storm on Sunday. They said the got it fixed yesterday but it turned out what they fixed didn’t fix it for most of the people who were out. We got an email from them and besides all the people out south of 46, they’ve got a bunch of folks out north of 46.
Hopefully you’re back on at this point. SCI REMC reporting less than 300 homes without electricity, down from over 1,500 yesterday – all in the NE quadrant.
I feel like a pair of eyes is staring at me.
But ones that have eyelashes all round.
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Nice verticals in this one. Am I starting to sound like a NYT critic?
I don’t read enough NYT critics to know. 🙂
But verticals are pretty easy to do in a forest. 😀
What little I know of NYT critics, I learned from seeing Birdman.
Hummingbird flash mob video:
Entertaining little stinkers. We don’t get quite so many at our feeder, four at a time at most.
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That is one tall tree. All of its branches seem to be above the canopy.
It’s a tulip poplar — they love growing very straight and very tall.
is commenting over at my blog [LINK]. Click on the word LINK, if you want to stop by and say “hi”.
(Note: look for “Whit” because he doesn’t have email yet and is posting anonymously.)
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So many humps. Is this a river bed?
Nope, just caused by erosion.
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Very nice!
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Ohhh… that looks so cool and inviting, not to mention lovely.
This is at the Sycamore Land Trust’s Downey Hill Preserve that is between Valley Branch & Mt. Liberty roads. Jim and I are volunteers “stewards” for it and Jim is helping build a trail there which goes past this spot. A lot of it is done (though not down to this point yet). You should come visit it some time.
I’ll plan to do that (when its not quite so hot and humid).
Good plan. 🙂
One problem is that the trailhead isn’t marked yet. But if you give me a call, I can come over and show you or if I can’t make it, I can describe where it is (it’s very close to the parking area).
Wet humps! Nice shot!
Looks like BooMan’s old “friend” Jane Hamsher will need a new gig. FDL will be no more.
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Giant mushroom alert! Very cool!
It clearly was thriving on all the rain we got. 🙂
Just needs a tiny gnome perched on top, puffing on a hookah.
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Looks like a great place for a hike.
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They couldn’t be more comfortable.
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Very nice! Is that a dry riverbed?
It’s a creek. It’s rain-fed so it only has water when there has been rain recently.
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Barely hanging on is right. Well done.
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So green!
Well good morning everyone!
I’m finally back on the internet trail and it’s good to see old friends that are still here. I miss the old days where you would type 90 to nothing and talk and joke with everyone.
I’m doing OK and I hope everyone else is also.
Take care.
FM (Whit)
Hi Family Man! Good to see you back here in the ‘ole pond. Yep, its pretty quiet these days. I retired at the end of 2013, but seem to be busier than ever – at least while my good health holds out. I’m painting the house on the outside right now, so haven’t been hanging around here much. Three sides down and one to go!
Hiya ID,
Hooray for the retirement, to bad about being busy (got to have those lazy days in there), and hope the painting is done.
Really good to see you again.
Well, coincidentally I’m taking a break today. Enjoying it too.
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Nice lighting too!
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That looks like it is about to explode. What kind of plant?
That’s a Queen Anne’s Lace pre-flowering.
The plant the bee is hanging on to up a few days is what it looks like when it blooms. It does look like one of those starburst fireworks on the 4th of July.
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Very lush image. What kind of bloom is that?
It’s some sort mushroom nestled in moss.
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Beautiful photo. It almost looks like the flower got hold of the bee. Flower power indeed.
OK lady, no more nectar for you tonight. Bars closed.
Drunk bee taking a header was my thought too.:)
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That’s a beauty!
I was definitely in the right place at the right time.
If not you, then it’s me. I’ve decided that this will be my last photo posting.
Shana tova to all who celebrate Rosh Hashanah.
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🙁 Things won’t be the same.
Thanks for the kind thought. I do post photos Monday-Friday over on twitter if you need a photo fix now and then.
And shanah tova to you and your family.
Shana tova to you and Jim.
Last one to leave turns out the lights. Apparently the café is now history.
It does seem awfully quiet around here. Nary a splash in the pond:-(
The drought doesn’t help. 😉
I knew it was doomed when this one had been open for about 6 months without collapsing under the weight of the number of comments. I think you, me, and IndianaDem were the only ones left.
I guess the cafe hit geezerhood even harder than me.
Speaking of geezerhood, Mrs. ID and I went to a live rock/soul music show last night and wound up dancing for a couple of hours. I seem to have no ill effects, but poor Mrs. ID is still snoozing it off.
Sounds like a great time. Who was playing?
A Bloomington band led by the incredible Jenn Cristy (former IU swim champ). She also toured with John Mellencamp for over a year.