Here’s another reason for Republicans not to fund the Department of Homeland Security:
A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.
Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.
The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010.
This is why South Dakota Republican Rep. Isaac Latterell thinks ISIS is less dangerous than Planned Parenthood. That’s not a speck in his eye. It’s a beam.
This is why the right thinks that the only terrorists that the administration hates are people just like them. Except, of course, that they think right-wing terrorists are a myth. They’re just people who love liberty.
Correct and the TP/GOP is waging a war of it’s own against the Federal Government and the people of the USA. They use multiple tactics via legislation and distraction. The damage that they have caused far outweighs that of foreign terrorists. Yet they still are allowed to continue on in the USA like nothing is going on. The real question is, how much longer?
The real question is, how much longer?
Until they can defeat their enemy, all those folks that aren’t white enough in their eyes. The not-stupid, not ignorant, not-gun fetishists, not-anti-science, not-creationists, not-capitalist-worshippers that get in the way of their anarchic nirvana.
Their high-powered “semi-automatic” weapons aren’t a match for whatever US military and para-military operations could bring to the battlefield, but those weapons will only be deployed against “lefties.” The Bundy ranch stand-off was a dress rehearsal for the rightwingers to confirm how it will work out for them.
So is anyone going to serve that warrant on Bundy? Or are they just going to write reports?
… is breathing into paper bags right now.
Ron Paul: “Good News” That Secession Is Happening
Oh, I know who the enemy is.
Paul is an old crank — but that comment thread is filled with people lapping up his nuttery.
Not that Paulistas actually ever read Atlas Shrugged. The just go by what their similarly deluded heroes tell them it says.
Meh, posts about Ron Paul drag his sycophant followers from the depths of all over the internet. People who never read certain blogs, if that blog posts something about Paul and it’s spread to a certain degree, they’ll show up.
Oh, the Paulista, internet groupie pack. That makes them even more pathetic losers.
Yes, ISIS, Al Qaeda and Planned Parenthood, the most dangerous entities, but not necessarily in that order.
Quarter of Americans Convinced Sun Revolves Around Earth as found in 2012 survey.
(Were the immigrants to the “New World” fleeing the Copernican Revolution?)
That 25% that have earth at the center of the universe would not be among the 30% in the survey that support increased government funding for science. But most of them have either given up on believing that the world is flat or have yet to be recruited into the Flat Earth Society.
Only 63% accept evolution. Something similar on climate change.
I suspect a lot of overlap in those surveys which would indicate that about a third of the population are knuckle-dragging morons.
I’d love to see a county-level breakout of that survey. But that would require that they interview more people. A national number means very little except for its shock and humor value.
That would hurt the fee-fees of the ignoramuses in the Bible belt — and give them yet another reason to act like victims of the “educated elites” that want to destroy their god-given right to be dumb as rocks.
This is going to sound all kinds of wrong – and it is indeed all kinds of wrong – but DHS should let some “fringe” group do something nutty and blow up something somewhere and then use that as a pretext to gut all of them like fish. This would obviously validate their worst fears, but I don’t too much care about their fears, especially seeing how they would be literally short-lived. How did Toby Keith put it?
Courtesy of the red, white and blue…
“False flags” and all other forms of official trickery — even if ostensibly committed for a worthy cause — never produce positive results and more often than not are huge negatives.
A quote from the Christian Bible “and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil”. Or something like that. I’m going on memory back to the ’50s.
I’m thinking less “false flag” and more sit back and wait for them to do what they will inevitably do, just don’t prevent it.
just don’t prevent it.
That shouldn’t be difficult as US law enforcement is only good at preventing criminal activities that they have concocted (and then only those that serve them well in the great PR game).
I don’t have any faith it would show results, Oscar. How many fish came back in the nets after Oklahoma City, three?
Bombing an NAACP office in Colorado Springs. Murdering three muslims in Chapel Hill NC. Murdering “libruls” in a Unitarian Church in Knoxville TN. What exactly is it going to take to turn “misfits” into “domestic terrorists” in the eyes of the media and law enforcement?
The problem is the temperament of law enforcement officers. It biases them to look the other way.
Re that bombing of the NAACP office in Colorado, it seems that the bombing was not targeted at the NAACP, but rather at a CPA with an office in the same building by an aggrieved client who was upset about his financial situation. That’s per a report tonight on MSNBC on either Chris Hayes’ show or Rachel’s show. I can’t remember which.