I have to go do more family-related chores, so why don’t you tell me the stupidest thing that’s happened at CPAC? I know the competition is stiff.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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When even movement conservatives say that Scott Walker went much to far in his Union-bashing…
Yeah, peaceful protestors directly equated to insanely violent murderers and rapists. FUUUUUUUUUUCK that dude.
But, reading your question carefully, I must concede that the goggle-eyed homunculus’ statement was more evil than stupid. Now HERE’s stupid:
Even C-SPAN can’t help but get snarky over this burning stupid from floppy-clown-shoe Hannity, labeling this clip “X-Ray vision” like they do. I also treasure the W.T.F? reaction from the CPAC crowd.
So much stupid to choose from! I think the true stupidest thing from CPAC is that this ultra-sanctimonious, calculating fraud of a man was allowed to take 28 (!) minutes of stage time, and that the crowd rapturously approved of his un-American rantings:
This faker tells us here he likes Scott Walker, to which I say of course he does. One thing he shares with Scott is that they sincerely hate the majority of Americans with a burning passion. Neither of them is faking that.
Were there any signs of intelligent life among the faithful? Seriously, considering that the number one attraction was the Duck guy blaming DFHs for STDs, it’s amazing they could even find there way to ho-down. A Duck guy that sports a fugly DFH style that would have gotten him ejected from Woodstock.
This flamethrower of burning stupid may not be CPAC, but it’s certainly CPAC related, meaning that its subnormal intellect is birthed from an immoral mating of Conservative Movement family members:
Look at that heading art! Yes, Jesus wept because Obummer’s rational, deficit-reducing immigration executive orders were not ripped out by the roots YESTERDAY. This entire damn Red State page provides us many lulz, tho.
There’s no ONE stupid thing!
Unless you count CPAC itself!
The stupid thing… is paying any attention at all to them.
Tomi Lahren.
Hands down. No question. No doubts.
Who the hell is that?
If you’re a Democrat and wear a pantsuit you must be male.
Oh, and you shouldn’t apologize for being white.
Or Blonde.
Even if you ARE a blonde newsreader in North Dakota.
so much at CPAC, but I decided to watch the duck guy. I think he’s been studying Joel Osteen, that was definitely his mode, but pure demagoguery. (and I’ve never really figured out what Joel Osteen does) and of course his phrases made no sense. and CPAC obsessed w sex this time. I guess they are getting desperate for ways to appeal to an audience.
Grift for the fantasy testosterone driven politicos. No brains, no bucks, no babes. But if the world would just conform to how they want it to work, they’d surely have gobs of all three. They’d be like those stud-muffins Alan Greenspan, Osteen, and the Duck guy.
stud-muffin isn’t my reading of them. Joel Osteen is hypnotic; but I can’t figure out why. In The Silver Chair there’s a scene where the witch tries to hypnotize the children into denying their reality with a lute and incense and repeated hypnotic phrases “… there is no overworld …” – that’s what Joel Osteen brings to mind. The Duck guy had some of that hypnotic quality in this speech, that’s why I say demagoguery, verging into Godwin territory, though he was speaking gibberish. But physically off-putting. imo it’s all in the voice and has nothing to do with sexuality.
You’re just not vulnerable to what it is they’re selling to libertarian-facists. Although you do recognize the hypnotic quality of the sales pitch.
Damn near choked on my drink reading that!
A gasp or a guffaw? Do hope it was the latter.
Oh Yes! Choking with laughter.
The straw poll.
Rand Paul and Scott Walker at the top.
Lindsay Graham and George Pitaki a the bottom.
Huckabee and John Bolton tied for 0.3%
Sarah Palin at 0.8% losing out to Jindal at 0.9%
Marco Rubio beating out the Trump by 0.2%
Carly Fiorina coming ahead of Christie, Perry, Jindal, Palin, Huckabee, Bolton, Graham, and Pataki
Ben Carson coming in double digits.
Who knew CPAC would be reduced to the Voter Con Fad du Jour.
The only time the CPAC straw poll is predictive of the GOP nominee is when they agree with the GOP establishment pick. Thus, they nailed it with Reagan in 1980 and 1984, GWB in 2000, and Romney in 2012. Other than Romney in 2009, doesn’t appear that they’ve ever been ahead of the curve, but they ditched Romeny in 2010 and 2011 in favor of Ron Paul before coming home to daddy in 2012.
They liked baby Paul, Rubio, Santorum and Christie better last year. Jeb! surged from 0 to 8% in one year. But the big winner is Walker — from 7% to 21% (because CPAC guys can’t tell the difference between teachers and ISIS thugs either).
So we see now: making fantastical, amazingly hostile statements about working Americans is going to be a chief part of Walker’s schtick during his POTUS campaign:
The photo art heading the report shows Little Scotty metaphorically displaying the gigantic balls you’ve got to have to openly hate Americans the way he does.
Jesus, I’d give ten years off my life to have ten minutes alone in an alley with that guy.
This guy is truly lame
Little Scotty is one of the lamest powerful people there ever was. At the center of his lameness is that his power is completely dependent on his being servile to rich people who are even more powerful.
Fortunately, I don’t see this stuff as a general election winner in 2016. It was infuriating at first, but I’m quickly getting desensitized to this nonsense. Scotty’s just making the barker’s pitch to the Right Wing Wurlitzer which gives the base their marching orders and talking points. They’ll decide, and the base will report. For duty, that is.
Agree — except do think there’s plenty of competition for “lamest powerful people.”
Out of curiosity, I spent about ten minutes yesterday surveying his recorded appearances. My take: middling TV IQ and low charisma, but an incredibly skilled liar. Betrays not a whiff of consciousness that he’s speaking anything other than the truth and doesn’t speak in a robotic manner. Somewhat like Dick Cheney in this regard. That makes him a difficult debate opponent because he won’t rattle easily. That’s why Lieberman and Edwards couldn’t lay a glove on Cheney in their debates.
Political leaders with access to power and money who possess the pure psychopathy that Walker exhibits can be terrifyingly effective.
A very big problem with modern POTUS debates, and with POTUS and other major political campaigns, is that moderators/journalists are not allowed/do not correct the record when a candidate lies. The debate/campaign formats simply don’t allow a candidate to effectively refute lies by their opponent. This creates a perverse incentive for candidates to lie multiple times within every statement, since their opponent would fail to get their points in if they spent all their time trying to correct the record left by the lying liar.