Until Nancy LeTourneau itemized the Republicans’ errors since the 2014 midterms, I only had a vague sense of how extensive and comically inept their record has been.
*Completely bungle their own attempt to tie funding for the Department of Homeland Security to repeal of President Obama’s executive orders on immigration.
*Politicize the response to negotiations with Iran by not informing President Obama of the invitation to PM Netanyahu to address Congress.
*Fail to over-ride President Obama’s veto of their bill to approve the Keystone Pipeline.
*Send only token support to the 50th Anniversary commemoration in Selma, AL.
*Sign a letter to the leaders of Iran that basically undermines the President’s negotiations.
It’s like the GOP won the midterms and thought they were James Dean for a day.
Then I guess they had to crash.
This has been making the rounds:
“The quote of the week, one that will likely reverberate through the halls of Congress for many months to come, is this one from GOP Rep. Charlie Dent, lamenting the inability of the House GOP caucus to unite behind, well, anything at all:
“We really don’t have 218 votes to determine a bathroom break over here on our side. So how are we going to get 218 votes on transportation, or trade, or whatever the issue?”
And yet, despite how inept this collection of racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, and intolerant uber-Christian, hate and fear filled idiot’s, imbeciles, loons, morons, nit/half/dim/fuck-witted, sad-sacks is, there are enough people who are even worse, who look upon these sad-sacks as the people they want to vote for, to lead them.
‘A mental institution divided against itself, cannot stand.
A nation, half sane, and half bigoted loons, will not, and can not last!’
Oh, the GOP has shot itself in the foot many times. But to what end? It’s a centipede.
The GOP’s popular vote floor for 2016 is still 46.5%.
To remind people that the Marne was a very partial victory, Georges Clemenceau’s newspaper daily ran on its masthead the reminder “Messieurs les Allemands sont toujours à Noyon”,”The Germans are still at Noyon.” (Noyon is 100 km from Paris.)
46.5% in 2016 is way too high of a floor. The racial minority share of the vote increases by 2% every Presidential Election cycle and even in an election in which the Republican Party was otherwise structurally favored to win they were only able to get 47%.
Unless the Democratic Party really messes the campaign season up or is subject to a scandal, foreign policy debacle, or economic disaster the Republican Party can expect Dukakis-style thrashings to become the new norm until they substantively change.
There is no inherent, demographic edge so large that an intra-party circular firing squad can’t piss it away.
True that may be, but for every instance of internal dissent that ended up destroying the putatively dominant entity’s chances, you can point to an equal and opposite instance of groupthink and pluralistic ignorance doing the same. Internal dissent brought down the Republican Party in 1912, but internal consonance brought down Churchill’s Conservatives in 1945.
Clinton means scandals baked in to the cake and the media lose their minds even more than usual with them.
One man’s groupthink is another man’s Landon landslide.
“despite how inept this collection of racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, and intolerant uber-Christian, hate and fear filled idiot’s, imbeciles, loons, morons, nit/half/dim/fuck-witted, sad-sacks is” the sane world pays attention.
The logical inference to be drawn from this is that the sane world, isn’t.
(Waits patiently for the Lynch vote)
Apparently clueless as to how a veto is overridden. About as dumb as the birthers or idiots that call for him impeaching Obama for “something, something…”
Will they suffer ekevtotally? If not pointing it out is of limited value.
Electorally. Stupid tablet.
They’re already suffering electorally. They handily lost an election in 2012 that they would’ve instead barely won with 2000’s demographics. What’s more, they lost after getting the tailwind of the aftershocks of the 2007 financial crisis and voter suppression.