What? No posts here on Obama’s Compulsory Voting comments yesterday?


Still giving him a pass, eh?

OK. No surprise.


They were all over the top of the Google News front page around noon today. (Thurs., 3/19/15) They were hard to miss for a while but a few hours later they have mysteriously disappeared. Google got the memo, apparently. However, they are still available. Google “compulsory voting obama” for all you need to know. Hurry though…that memo may only be the first of many.

Meanwhile…read on for more.
Like this:

The White House Press is trying to clarify comments made by President Obama in Cleveland yesterday, when he suggested that voting be “mandatory” in the United States.

“Kinda provocative huh?” quipped [Press secretary] Earnest when asked about Obama’s comments.

“The president was not putting forward a specific policy proposal,” Earnest said, clarifying that the nature of the president’s comment was part of a broader discussion about campaign finance reform and getting more Americans to vote.



What a concept!!! An ongoing fix-approval scheme. Prop up the two…or even three or more…so-called “candidates” (all of whom are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the Permanent Government of the United States of Omertica, of course), and then trumpet to the world that “All of the American people (except for the ones who are in jail or have ever been convicted of a [thought] crime) have spoken!!!”


Brilliant, actually.

Here’s how Australia enforces it:

According to the Australian Electoral Commission website, under federal electoral law, it is compulsory for all eligible Australian citizens to enroll and vote in federal elections, by-elections and referendums.

“After each election, the AEC will send a letter to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote or pay a $20 penalty,” according to the website. “If, within the time period specified on the notice, you fail to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or decline to pay the $20 penalty, then the matter may be referred to a court. If the matter is dealt with in court and you are found guilty, you may be fined up to $170 plus court costs and a criminal conviction may be recorded against you.”

Nice twice.

Aintcha tired of the whole Big Government farce yet?

I am.

Been tired of it since the JFK coup and subsequent assassinations. I would have voted for JFK but I was too young. I thought all along that LBJ was in some way complicit in the act. Still do. Too many coincidences for my taste, starting with Dallas. LBJ Central. Bet on it.

I would have voted for RFK as well. But no. Mistah RFK. He dead too.

After that? There has never been a major presidential candidate for whom I would have voted. Not one. Sue me.

On second thought, nevermind. Don’t sue me. Save your outrage. The PermaGov is ramping up to do just that on your behalf.




First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller