Ordinarily, I frown on cannibalism. But in this case…
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Does anyone other than me have trouble seeing how this coalition can possibly unite behind any candidate next year?
Sure — the partisans will scream, “Remember 1992!” And what your hissy fit led to that year. You all want to do that again and see the Clintons back in the WH?
(Historical accuracy doesn’t matter.)
boo, do you honestly believe that boner has the chops to pull something like this off?… REALLY?…given his astounding record of incompetence.
somebody else is pulling this string…and/or pulling his.
pictures anyone……
I am totally in favor of all the crazy republicans throwing gasoline on each other and lighting a proverbial match. Perhaps we can get the president to tell republicans that this is a very bad idea.
OT, BooMan, is Progress Pond the new incarnation of the Frog Pond that you made a reference to awhile back?
It’s not “cannibalism,” Booman. It’s just PermaGov business as usual. liminate the outliers by any means necessary and secure the middle between the two wings of he UniParty.
Busness as usual.
Calling them terrorists is stale. They’re just stupids among a herd of stupids. Tomorrow the rotten tomatoes will be tossed back at today’s howlers. May they continue to spend their fortunes on this for decades to come. “I’m stupid, no, you’re stupid” What a way to govern.
Spare me. I’ve been waiting for the (oft predicted) Conservative Crack-up for 30 years now.
The reality is they are the rising party, as unbelievable as it seems, and quickly weathered their 2008 repudiation and defeat to come back even crazier, doubling down at every turn. As I look back on things, it seems more like a Dem Crack-up to me, viewed in the longer lens. That Repubs can’t “govern” (whatever that means any more) appears utterly irrelevant to voters, whatever they may blather to pollsters. They’ll say and believe anything at this point.
Waiting for the Conservative Crack-up is Waiting for Godot. The Drunken Boner is no Pozzo, haha. But his antics will pass the time…
Sadly, I must agree. Obviously voters in this country prefer everything they stand for and aren’t persuaded by mealy mouthed Democrats. And politicans who cannot speak clearly and forcefully. Which is our problem. We need more Democrats who have the courage of their convictions, like Elizabeth Warren. Funny, I can’t, at the moment, think of any others who can speak to our causes as effectively. The saints preserve us from the likes of McCaskill, Schummer and Wasserman-Schultz.
Yes, I look at Netanyahu’s landslide as a canary in a coal mine. I had expected him to win, but not a landslide.
Of course, it can never happen here! (Ronald who?)