Here’s another thing I agree with the president about. HBO’s The Wire is “one of the greatest pieces of art in the past couple of decades.” So, let’s see more action on the drug war before his second term is up.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
And if the President and his Agencies pushed these reforms hard, they could gain some bipartisan cover from a certain Senator.
Or is Rand Paul made out of loose horseshit on that one, too? Maybe Arthur can jump in here and dictate the future to us on this subject.
For me The Wire is flat out the best drama on film of all-time – movies or television.
The Wire was great. Definitely one of my favorite shows ever.
Pardon all non-violent drug offenders. DO IT!!!
How can anyone watch “the Wire” and not consider drug policy high priority? Baffling.