When it comes to the complexities of the Middle East and the shifting alliances of the Muslim world, do you know who I turn to for sage advice?
That’s right.
I turn to gin-soaked Peggy Noonan.
So should you.
When it comes to the complexities of the Middle East and the shifting alliances of the Muslim world, do you know who I turn to for sage advice?
That’s right.
I turn to gin-soaked Peggy Noonan.
So should you.
Can’t read the editorial without a subscription, and I’m probably far better off for it.
No thanks she does not meet the qualifications to write on any topic that requires true journalistic abilities. This is clearly shown by the fact that she could not get a job anywhere else but the anti-journalistic rag called the Wall street Journal. I also refuse to have to pay to read the trash.
There is more than gin in that toddy. Does not extend American power? Really? US power stands on the border of Russia from the Baltic to the Black Sea. The US remains in Afghanistan and Iraq. US power is exerted in Somalia and Yemen and Syria. And with normalization of relations with Iran, you can bet that US power will extend into Iran if as nothing more than an embassy and a CIA station. US power delivered a preferable deal in the Iran negotiations.
One would think that partisan Republicans would have the grace to every once in a while depart from their partisan formula and admit that a Democratic president can in fact accomplish some fairly impressive national security stuff.
If Obama wins his bet on the destruction of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, and that looks more encouraging now with tacit coordination with Iran and Iraq, Noonan’s song and dance will not change. For the simple reason that Republicans cannot bear to admit that Bush-Cheney for all their bluster failed to keep us protected. It is the Republicans who need never to be trusted with national security policy again.
At least the old gal is predictable.
Gosh, I guess I’d better subscribe to the WSJ so I can read Peggy Noonan. Hmmm, that’s really not a compelling case is it?
If you really want to read it
There’s an extra space in the URL. should read https:/johnib.wordpress.com/2015/04/03/misplaying-americas-hand-with-iran-presidents-desperation-fo r-a-foreign-policy-legacy-is-already-hurting-the-u-s
Thanks! Amazing how WSJ ran this piece, which says that
what looks like several hours (8:06 EST, April 2) after the State Dept Press Office released the extremely detailed Parameters for a Joint Agreement document (CNN was reporting on it at 6:00).
Need to remove the space from ‘for’, then it works.
She has nothing to say but ‘I don’t trust Obama to negotiate a good deal’. Thanks for your deep analysis Peg. Have another drink.
I can’t read the piece either, but I am enjoying Booman’s imagery.
I’m beginning to think she has a longer pull date than Twinkies.
Shorter Noonan: “Iran is run by religious fanatics who can’t be trusted. Anyone who cuts a deal with them must be desperate and naive. My hero, Ronald Reagan, would never have done that. Especially leading up to a presidential election.
“Waiter, another double, please. Thank you, boy.”
She and all the GOTP cheerleaders have a lot of nerve trying to analyze anything other than the Koch money propping them up.
Her more recent heroes, the Shrub and Cheney, let Ahmed “Curveball” Chalabi, an Iranian double agent lead them (and U.S. power) down the garden path into removing the only regional check to Iran, Sadaam’s Iraq.
Screw PN. You, not me.
I love how it’s all about a legacy for them – never occurs to them that Obama might want to accomplish something for the good of humanity or world peace or something
Scary banality, this Noonan lady who seems still to have a crush on Ronnie who, according to the history books, was a two-term president of the US.
Please don’t tell me you actually subscribe to the WSJ.
Hmm, i think so also.
Thanks for this information.