Hillary is running (stop me when you’ve heard this before).
This is a pre-fail campaign. Democrats are living in dreamland
- She’s a target-rich environment.
- R have had 8 years to prepare, and they have not wasted this opportunity.
- Clinton and the Democrats are not going to concentrate on jobs for the middle class. They are going to concentrate on helping illegals (more workers for fewer jobs), raising the minimum wage, and other such idiotic sideshows.
I will not lift a finger to help her. No use helping out a pre-lost campaign.
which party are you writing a platform for?
what’s your immigration policy? send them all back and build a bigger wall?
raising the minimum wage would help a LOT of people, some of whom might remember next election that it was the Democrats who helped them.
We need policies that create jobs which are MORE than minimum wage. The minimum wage is the lowest common denominator. What about building middle class jobs? Unfortunately, the Democratic Party no longer cares about middle class jobs – jobs you can raise a family on. The minimum wage jobs are not that, and never were.
My immigration platform is eVerify for everything. We need a national ID card. Then we don’t need a border fence.
She has a great announcement video.
Right, like a soap advertisement.
Up and down the culture, this is what it’s come to.
It won’t work forever. Gotta have content or the balloon will eventually burst, just as did the housing bubble.
That’s how they sold us Obama. Gonna fall for it twice? Even the Idiot Prince (Butch II) knew better.
Fooled again?
Shame on…on whomever.
Bet on it.
Look inna mirror.
Well, it’s pass time for the middle class to get their heads out of their asses. They’ve had 40 years. It looks like Hillary is targeting the people that’ve been voting Democratic the past 40 years. As for the people too selfish/stupid to vote Democratic, fuck ’em. The time for coddling and hand holding is done.