Look at how at least one candidate thinks you need to act in order to become the most powerful man in the world.
[Marco] Rubio has had an active week since his big announcement. In the last few days, he called for a more aggressive stance toward Russia, noted he would attend a same-sex wedding despite his opposition to gay marriage, and mocked Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s trip to Chipotle.
Sometimes things are so stupid that it brings a song to mind.
Declaring “yesterday is over and it’s a new century,” Rubio is running backwards to the last century.
“I’d rather die/Than give you control” would be a campaign slogan that most GOP base voters would be happy to hear from their nominee, as long as their nominee makes it clear that the “you” in that slogan are the browns and poors.
LOVE this song, BTW. Thanks for posting, Boo.
Or, alternatively, let’s give this lyric-to-campaign-slogan a spin:
We are going to see ultimate performances of the traditional Republican Dance: the Spin and Throw. They dance around the issues, whirling madly in all directions while throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. They don’t even know what they’re saying.
It’s going to be a long, long couple of years.
whirling madly in all directions while throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
That was always Rove’s political MO.