It’s hard to believe that anyone, anywhere in the world, would spend close to a hundred thousand dollars at auction to buy a Beanie Baby. I don’t care if it is a limited edition bear made to commemorate the life of Princess Diana.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, I guess.
Blushing I’m in the process of buying a restored ’53 Pontiac Chieftain simply because it’s the most beautiful car I’ve ever seen. I have other things that I should spend the money on, but they’ll wait, I hope.
However, it’s not a hundred thousand dollar stuffed toy. so…
Exactly. You cannot put the family in a Beanie Baby and go for a ride.
For me it will always be the MG TD. In probably one of my better, but nevertheless sad, decisions in my life, I passed on a straight trade, my car for a British racing green, 1953 MG TD. The guy with the MG told me I’d be nuts to swap with him. He was correct of course. If the thing didn’t kill me, it would have cost a fortune to keep running.
Well, here she is:
Beautiful automotive sculpture!
One person’s junk is another’s treasure. Different strokes for different folks.
After the fad, manufactured, collectible investment market bubbles burst, there’s often a few items that are unique or rare enough that they retain some value and might even appreciate. That assumes that there’s enough people with more bucks than brains that collect junk like Beanie Babies.
Some people that have money and get bored so they try to entertain themselves by buying things.
While other people are homeless and hungry.
Well, you don’t expect the 1% to use all there money to create jobs?
The kind of thing that happens when there are vast differences in access to resources. Some people have more money than they could ever spend and have no idea what to do with it so they buy crap. Personally, I’d give it away rather than buy crap. I’m sure that’s true for most of us in this community. But if one lacks basic empathy, and one faces the reality that we don’t live all that long, you gotta spend it on something so why not a beanie baby?
Me: So, you’re telling me that a 69 year old man that’s never owned nor ridden a motorcycle in his life now needs a $30,000 three-wheeler?
X: Yes. But to get it to the best three-wheeler riding sites, he also needs a new truck and trailer to haul it there.
Me: So, $60,000?
X: Maybe closer to $70,000 with insurance.
When they have all the goddamn money, the 0.01% have to spend it on something