The Guardian report on Adelson’s testimony in a civil suit is most illuminating and fascinating.  Combative Adelson rails against ‘greedy bosses’ in entertaining court testimony

It’s possible that the man has developed dementia.  It’s also possible that he’s always been this much of a loon.  Not word salad a la Palin, but conceptual chopped salad that fails as a whole and the separate bits aren’t tasty either.  Easy to overlook that smarts and rationality aren’t necessary personal qualities for success in business and politics.

Can imagine Adelson’s attorneys cringing during his time on the witness stand.  

No one has ever described Sheldon Adelson as a man happy with the world. Happy billionaires do not spend tens of millions of dollars trying to get Newt Gingrich elected president.

To that we can add that unhappy but sane billionaires would not spend tens of millions of dollars trying to get Newt Gingrich elected president.

Read the whole article to appreciate how pathetic this man is.  Only less pathetic than the money grubbers that have been paying homage to him.