I’ve tried my fair share of banned substances in my life, but I never tried methamphetamines. And I just don’t understand their appeal. I also preferred things that slowed me down rather than sped me up, so even the appeal of cocaine is a mystery to me. Can someone explain why you would want a meth high?
I don’t get it.
A guy I knew in college said “It makes me feel like superman.” Lenny Bruce used meth to fuel his act. If you read “How to talk dirty and influence people” you’ll get the idea.
I’ve never taken meth either, but one of my favorite songs is the Third Eye Blind tune “Semi-charmed Life”, which is about methamphetamine abuse. The brilliance is that the song itself makes you feel like you’re on some kind of stimulant, and it’s awesome. If the drug is better than the music, then I could see what the appeal might be.
Im going to go for 1970. Back then, we called methamphetamines Cross Whites, a small white pill with
an X. Speed.
I took it once, went body surfing, got out, and have never felt as Exhausted since. High, then it beat the poop out of me. LOL
Speed freaks. Everyone I knew back then stayed far away from those jacked up and paranoid people.
I’m going back to the sixties. I helped a friend deliver a newspaper overnight a few times. We took uppers. It kept me awake, but it never appealed to me that much. I’m guessing that the heavy duty stuff does more than keep you up.
How could you possibly expect to understand the appeal if you’ve never done it?
But in any case, meth in particular, fills you with both tremendous energy and a fiendish ability to concentrate. It doesn’t speed you up. If anything, it slows everything else down.
Never on purpose, but ecstasy is often spiked with methamphetamine. I figured that I had consumed both when I found myself sitting on a beach at sunrise animatedly talking philosophy with a complete stranger.
Ecstasy is related to amphetimines.
Adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine are also very similar, yet they work in very different ways.
In other words, saying that “ecstasy (MDMA) and amphetamines are related” is as informative as saying “estrogen and testosterone are related”.
I also preferred things that slowed me down
Didn’t appeal to me in the least. Meth, even back then, was known as an ugly drug. Ah, but one hit of coke and I knew instantly that it was something I had to stay away from. Easy enough since I couldn’t afford it anyway.
Tried coke just once; got no buzz from it, only that nasty Novocain-ish taste in my mouth, and that was enough to put me off ever trying it again.
Alcohol, nicotine, and marijuana were my drugs of choice, and I cold-turkeyed myself off all three (at different times; I wasn’t that crazy) when I got sick of the downsides.
I’ve had various opioids prescribed for pain control after tooth extractions and hip replacement; they did their job, I got no pleasure otherwise from them, and I had no trouble stopping them when they were no longer needed.
Of all these substances, nicotine was the hardest to get free of, by far.
It’s motivating. It makes you enjoy manual labor. It’s incredibly fun.
The clown car is now picking them up at a faster pace. Sunday: Carson. Monday: Fiorina. Tuesday: (expected) Huckabee.
So many clowns; so little time.
There are now 25 – google it- 25 in the clown car now and four more waiting in the wings.
The ticket to riding in the clown car is to officially declare one’s candidacy. So far, there’s only five: Two vanity candidates, one Senator that has served a grand total of two years in elective office, another Senator that has four years under his belt, and a third Senator with four years in that office and nine years service in the FL House.
No seriously. google Republican Presidential candidates. There are 25 declared and four more potentials in waiting. No kidding.
I stand corrected. There are 25 candidates that have declared or have set up exploratory committees. Didn’t know that there were nine declared nobodies.
my experience with mind-altering drugs is really limited, but I like caffeine ever so much better than alcohol. Vicodin gives me nightmares and I imagine that I would absolutely hate marijuana.
Caffeine and alcohol have been my only two psychotropic drugs for at least a decade, and they are the best two. Although, I would imagine enjoying marijuana if I ever got back to trying it again… won’t be for a long while in any event.
two words: Meth Mouth
yeah you have to do shitpot load of it, but …
Amphetamines always scared me, and I would never touch them. Twice, generous friends who wanted to share the best possible experience in the world slipped me a big hit of their cocaine. On that same hit, they were flying, and I never noticed more than a slight buzz, the visual edges of things getting a little more sharply defined.
I figure there’s some natural brain chemical that makes you feel good, and my brain has always supplied me with it. (I’ve always been pretty mellow and cheerful.) Those whose brains aren’t doing their proper jobs must find uppers suddenly flow in to fill some major happiness deficit.
I could never get enough LSD, back in the day. Marijuana bored me, because it kept sending me back to the same place – a rather pleasant one, but one in which it was impossible to pursue the joys of mathematics.
Different tokes for different folks.
I was on a jury one time and the lawyer asked the witness, “what did you do after you smoked the methamphetamine?” The guy said he’d cleaned his house for eight hours straight. I made a note to myself never to take that stuff.
It appears the gentlemen in that article suffers a paranoia normally only found in Texan governors thinking his state is being invaded.
Back in the 60s there were diet pills we called black beauties. They were great for staying awake for cross-country road trips, but coming down afterward was brutal. After a couple of times, I decided the price was just too high for me.