Denmark, the land of freedom of expression relative to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons that sparked unrest and killings across the globe in states with a Muslim majority.
The advertisements that were removed from 35 of the Danish capitol’s public buses featured two women beside the quote:
“Our conscience is clean! We neither buy products from the
Israeli settlements nor invest in the settlement industry.”
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Danish bus ads targeting products from Israeli settlements.. (photo credit:FACEBOOK)Press statement by Movia, the public bus transportation company
Movia regrets the rift in the debate that the Board’s decision has created, as it is expressed in the press and on Facebook. The nature of this underlines the board that Movia buses are not the place to bring this type of advertising, and that the decision to remove the advertisement from the buses was the right one, it says.
Unnecessarily offensive campaign
Movia has in recent weeks been the subject of fierce debate, after the four days have been running around with a campaign by the Danish Palestinian Friendship Association on the side of 35 Copenhagen buses.
The campaign should have been running for two weeks, but after four days taken down because Movia received more than 100 complaints about the advertisement’s content and message. One complainant wrote, among other things, that the campaign aroused memories of Nazi behavior up to and during World War II.
Movia added the following statement:
Movia believes that the campaign seems unnecessarily offensive, that it is designed without due sense of social responsibility and that it is discrimination on grounds of nationality. Movia here decided that the advertisement must be removed immediately.
In addition, also raised doubts about the accuracy of the maps appearing on the advertisement.
- ○ Nostalgia Sunday – Blue Box Redux [cached]
About Accuracy of Palestinian Maps – JNF and Eretz Israel
Continued below the fold …
Nostalgia Sunday – Blue Box Redux
Here’s a fun fact: Israel is the only country in the world that entered the 21st century with more trees than it had at the beginning of the 20th century. For years, tree-planting in Israel was synonymous with the Jewish National Fund, which itself was synonymous with the small blue coin collection tin. Some of these are now on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, as part of an exhibit entitled The Map of Israel as Illustration, Artwork, and Icon.
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JNF Blue box illustration - Israel from the sea to the Jordan riverThe exhibit, curated by Orna Granot, looks at the map not in geopolitical terms but as a graphic element used “to increase the viewer’s familiarity with the land [of Israel] and to strengthen love of the land in experiential, educational, and aesthetic ways”. [Uggh – Oui]
Lindsey Graham trying to outwit former UN ambasador John Bolton on International Law and the Middle East?