This is the stupidest thing I’ve read today. Mainly because of the decision to blame liberals for Mark Halperin.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Yeah, the Halperin-is-a-liberal claim is hilariously counterfactual. These pod people on the right believe that the ENTIRE MSM is liberal. Talk about being obsessed with “identity politics.”
Also, too, with all the horseshit the right wing has been slinging at Hillary about inauthenticity with their complaints about her dialect choices at public events and other non-relevant points, and they’re complaining about questions which gave Cruz an opportunity to display his authentic cultural status?
Who’s stupider than that writer–and Halperin–is the rebranding Republicans who think Cruz is going to get them the Latino vote (which he can’t do even in Texas).
They should credit you for your link.
i wonder if she’s the only blogger ever to link to Ruben Navarette and agree with him.
Jeb Bush: “I would have authorized the war in Iraq just like my brother.”
Would you have let down our guard so that 9/11 happened just like your brother?
If there were no 9/11, what would your causus belli been?
Time for a little history lesson for Americans who were either not alive or not conscious on September 11, 2001.
The lesson is this: George W. Bush was President. Richard B. Cheney was Vice-President. Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense. George Tenet was head of the CIA. Having your own country attacked is not exactly a career accomplishment. Stop treating these jerks like heroes.
Bushus Stupidicus III
I think this one may be the fourth if you count granddaddy Prescott. He did some dumb shit that kept him from running for President. If I were in Dukakis’ shoes back then, I would’ve put that out there. Oh well, Jeb’s dirty laundry is bad enough to keep oppo researchers giddy for weeks.
If there were no 9/11, what would your causus belli been?
9/11 was the causus belli for the invasion of Iraq? Then what was that WMD nonsense all about?
Okay — I know that the rubes accepted that invading Iraq had something to do with 9/11, but in real time they didn’t understand the connection and slowly came around to believing Saddam = 9/11 = al Queda.
Maybe it’s Saddam + WMD = al Qaeda + WDM_Saddam = 911 = 911_WMD
Wasn’t that it? Saddam has WMD and he could potentially give them to al Qaeda, who just attacked us.
Details, schmetails. We’re talking about the stupidest comment. And that one absent the context of 9/11 says that Jebbie would just up and do a war of choice on — who knows? — any country.
I wonder if the gun nuts will run with this story – a Black man stood his ground and shot a drunken White man who attacked him in a Waffle House. Black guy had a concealed carry permit and called the police immediately after he shot the guy. Will he be an example of the valiant armed citizenry who stand against evil-doers or will he be some thug who got away with killing a good ol’ boy? Or will he simply not exist since he doesn’t neatly fit their narrative?