Leave it to the Daily Mail to track down Paula Jones and get the former Penthouse cover girl’s opinion on sexual morality and Hillary Clinton’s fitness for the presidency. This makes me want to vote for and against Hillary simultaneously. For her, because “Shut up, Paula Jones!” Against her, because “I need this shit like a recurring nightmare.”
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think the last seven years should have convinced us all that it isn’t “the Clintons” who create this atmosphere. Yes, they have an imperious manner when dealing with the bullshit allegations that arise from time to time. No-Drama Obama handled the Saul Alinsky/Reverend Wright/ACORN/birth certificate nonsense with ore reserve.
But it absolutely doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate. They will be attacked for any manner of nonsense.
Fox News would find a Tea Party patriot in a wheelchair to attack FDR for…something.
This is correct. If Obama adopted the exact GOP position on every issue they’d still hate him and hate all of his positions, and still spend millions trying to dig up dirt and smear him in any way possible. This is true for any Democrat who tries for the nomination.
It’s not about issues or policies. It’s more fundamental than that. It’s about tribal identity – heavily race-based, but the entire conservative mindframe is built around a with-us-or-against-us mindset.
This does not impact my unambiguous NO to Hillary. She is what she is, independent of Bill, and that all by itself gives me more than enough reason to oppose her nomination.
One can’t be choosy when it comes to where one’s allies hail from.
Paula Jones, well, she’s Paula Jones. But if that’s the price we have to pay to keep Hillary from invading Syria, re-invading Iraq and Libya, and bombing Iran, well, I guess we have to pay it, right.
I mean, given the magnitude of the threat.
I’m fine with this — until Hillary wins the nomination. Then we’d better all get behind her and push hard.
That’s a big “if” and it’s also why I noted that my unambiguous NO is to her nomination. If she wins the nomination then I will, as always, vote a straight ticket and she will benefit from that.
Maybe worse … just saw Paul Bremer (!) on BBC News, interviewed to give his advice how to defeat ISIS and the shortcomings of the Obama administration. Sorry, I couldn’t watch that idiot neocon … a moron for his role as administrator for George Bush in Baghdad. Why do these people come out of the woodwork?
The same for that British idiot Tony Blair, stepping down as Quartet envoy for the Israeli-Palestinian issue. A paid job for eight years with no results whatsoever … pure British white-wash. Jut like his role in the decision to invade and bomb Iraq. Damn a$$holes.
Marilyn Mosby when a student suing neighbor on Judge Judy.