I’ve thought about it a little bit, and I’m right. It’s not actually possible for me to care one iota less about about The Duggars. DO…NOT…FUCKING…CARE.

The solitary angle to this story that holds any interest for me at all is that a significant contender for the Republican Party presidential nomination thinks it is a good use of his time to defend a guy who molested his sisters. That is something a lawyer will do if you pay him or her good money. It is not something a normal person will freely do, under any circumstances, ever.

I don’t know precisely why Mike Huckabee is going around and telling anyone who will listen that Josh Duggar is innocent because there was “no controlling legal authority” that found him guilty and that the meaning of a confession depends on what the meaning of “is” is. I thought he was a critic when Al Gore and Bill Clinton ran those particular lines of bullshit.

Let’s not forget that Mike Huckabee won the Iowa Caucuses in 2008 and ultimately came in second place to John McCain, ahead of Mitt Romney. Along the way, Huckabee came in first in West Virginia, Kansas, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and Tennessee. Yes, he was primarily a regional candidate who couldn’t break out in non-southern states and capture the nomination, but he’s not a joke candidate like Herman Cain or Michele Bachmann, and he had actual successes unlike Tim Pawlenty, Fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani.

So, say what you will, but it’s notable that someone with Huckabee’s history of winning presidential delegates is now the nation’s top advocate for child molestation.