I’ve thought about it a little bit, and I’m right. It’s not actually possible for me to care one iota less about about The Duggars. DO…NOT…FUCKING…CARE.
The solitary angle to this story that holds any interest for me at all is that a significant contender for the Republican Party presidential nomination thinks it is a good use of his time to defend a guy who molested his sisters. That is something a lawyer will do if you pay him or her good money. It is not something a normal person will freely do, under any circumstances, ever.
I don’t know precisely why Mike Huckabee is going around and telling anyone who will listen that Josh Duggar is innocent because there was “no controlling legal authority” that found him guilty and that the meaning of a confession depends on what the meaning of “is” is. I thought he was a critic when Al Gore and Bill Clinton ran those particular lines of bullshit.
Let’s not forget that Mike Huckabee won the Iowa Caucuses in 2008 and ultimately came in second place to John McCain, ahead of Mitt Romney. Along the way, Huckabee came in first in West Virginia, Kansas, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and Tennessee. Yes, he was primarily a regional candidate who couldn’t break out in non-southern states and capture the nomination, but he’s not a joke candidate like Herman Cain or Michele Bachmann, and he had actual successes unlike Tim Pawlenty, Fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani.
So, say what you will, but it’s notable that someone with Huckabee’s history of winning presidential delegates is now the nation’s top advocate for child molestation.
It seems that just about any crime (murder, child molestation) is excusable by Huckabee, if it’s smeared with a nice thick layer of JESUS-juice.
Good to know.
This is simply the sense that I get, but the Mike Huckabee of 2008 was from another galaxy compared to the Mike Huckabee of 2015. And what has happened in the interim is that the lunatics, many of the religious lunatics, have taken over the asylum. And to survive in this asylum you have to adopt the characteristics of the lunatics. At some point, though, the selectively adopted personality becomes your own. And I think we are at that point with Huckabee. Whenever we see him do this type of thing like he is doing with the Duggars, in the back of our mind we have a small modicum of skepticism about it because we remember the Huckabee of the old days. The folsky, story-telling preacher who plays the bass and that can exude that southern charm that often endears him to people as someone who is “just plain folk”.
He is now just another far-right monster who uses his religion as a weapon and his pulpit as a place for sole judgment and condemnation of anyone who is to be judged by himself as some sort of political or religious apostate. He has come full circle and now seems to fancy himself the equivalent of Pope Urban II at the start of Crusades, pleading for the Christians to wage a holy war against the infidels in order to take back their rightful place of authority in the world. I said this once a while back in another post about Huckabee, in my opinion the man is piece of human garbage.
“You seem to forget, Miss Flinn, that this is an institution for the insane.”
Damn! Where’s Nurse Ratched now that we really need her?
Huckabee has spent much of the past seven years working as a conservative talk radio host, learning to tell the rubes exactly what they want to hear. That is the Mike Huckabee who’s running for president in 2015, and I see his defense of the Duggars as carefully calculated and purely tribal.
He knows quite well that there is a significant part of the Republican base that is prepared to disbelieve anything bad about conservatives (or evangelical Christians) as a tribal attack if it is being widely reported by mainstream news outlets, and who will embrace any position if it is perceived to be appalling or pissing off liberals (who are tools of Satan – and no, that’s not hyperbole).
In a crowded presidential field, Huckabee can stand out on both scores, and appeal to this rather large electoral segment, by his defense of the Duggars. That’s why he’s doing it. It’s breaktakingly, nauseatingly immoral if viewed from outside the bubble of RWNJ paranoia. But the more interesting point is that Huckabee’s doing it because he thinks, probably correctly, that a helpful chunk of Republican voters in Iowa and beyond will appreciate and reward Huckabee’s defense of kid-fucking. IOKIYAR, turned to 11.
It’s the GOPerdämmerung, or Twilight of the GOPs, as they really seem to be drifting into collective dementia. You watch Carly Fiorina or Rick Santorum doing their numbers and you find it hard to imagine how they ever even managed to hold down jobs. And the band plays on.
Watching things melt down, it seems like the Twilight of the FOPs and GOPs.
Fiorina and Santorum held down jobs? Is that what you call it?
Tribalism pure and simple. Huck’s so closely aligned with those who interpret Christianity as a personality cult that he cannot help but excuse and justify all misdeeds committed by other members of the tribe.
Oh, that sounds like the excuse the bishops used to excuse the predator priests.
The Huckster’s got a real easy altar call, doesn’t he. Ye who earnestly believe that no controlling authority found you guilty of your sins and….
This is the same Mike Huckabee who is sorry he can’t identify as a Female or would’ve like to have identified as Female while taking gymn class or some such Tommy Rot. The guy is a walking basket case. That’s what happens when you eat too much damn squirrel meat. He is the Poster Boy For The GOP’s Religious Righties! He is as twisted as they come, brothers & sisters! Amen!!!
What was that memorable lyric in one of Pink Floyd’s songs: “The Lunatic Is In My Head” (I’ll See You On The Dark Side Of The Moon)
“Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.
Got to keep the loonies on the path.”
And another lyrical bit from that song which is particularly on point here:
“The paper holds their folded faces to the floor/
And every day the paperboy brings more”
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