Got any predictions about Speaker Boehner’s ability to pass Trade Promotion Authority through the House?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Nope, I’m exactly with Boehner on this — haven’t a clue.
don’t pretend it’s just Boehner trying to pass it — Obama and Pelosi have both been whipping Democrats for this bipartisan bad idea.
It’s Boehner’s House, and his majority, and his job.
I heard a tip yesterday on SXM Progressive. If your congressman is a republican, call and tell him you oppose Obamatrade instead of TPP. If he’s (R) and knows your a progressive, he’ll ignore you. But apparently Tea Partiers are starting to call it Obamatrade.
Anything to kill it.
You’re beating a dead horse. This bill is bad, badder, baddest. It’s not destined to see the “light of day!” Some things are just not meant to be! Leave this in the peace. Give it up. It ain’t going to happen.
I have an inner filter that prevented me from writing this.
But I thought it.
That was my thought on seeing this and a couple of other gaffes by Kirk lately. Kirk doesn’t seem to be bad at not saying inappropriate things and he’s probably better than the average person but politicians need to be really, really good and maybe he’s not quite that good anymore.
It’s a complicated process. It’s complexity will be fatal, regardless of merit. Republicans will flee because they fear what they don’t understand. Democrats may come around to the President’s position, but I Republican support will dwindle the more one tries to ‘educate’ them about the bill.
My guess is that, despite a lot of constituent fear all across the political spectrum, this will pass with a bipartisan coalition of support. Republicans will support it because their corporate overlords want it. Enough Democrats will support it because, overall, they believe free trade is a good thing and they trust the president to negotiate smartly. Of course I also believe the treaty is probably a significant net positive (though of course there will be winners and losers). That probably puts me in the minority here.
What is your belief based on? Everything I have seen suggests that this is a bigger piece of shit by 10x than NAFTA.
This might make it just a little tougher.
Pelosi Abandons Obama On Trade Deal
I wonder if the hundred of protestors outside her office helped.
Oh, please, oh, please, let this be correct.
Boehner is like a “still-born” fetus —-> he’s worthless, absolutely — totally —- worthless! This bill – as presently constituted – simply ain’t going to go anywhere. Mitch McConnell — fold back all three of your triple chins. Have another shot of “Old Grandad”. It’s time you got back to that backwoods, piney one room “Holy-Roller” Pentacostal Shack — you call a church — way out in the woods of “backwoods” KENTUCKY!!!
Nope, but I’m hoping his incompetence saves the country again.
Bipartisan betrayal. The first vote was the show vote on TAA. The show vote on TPA will be the real vote if TAA passes next week.
Everyone gets cover for their votes. White House gets more time to twist arms.
Why is the White Houase always twisting arms on the wrong things?
I’m pretty sure we know why.
In other news:
Rich Republican Donors Get VIP Retreat Treatment
If one views hiking with Mitt & Tagg and sunrise Pilates with Ann Romney as “VIP” treatment. Personally, having to attend such an event is a good reason not to aspire to join that club.
Sounds like my idea of Hell.
A palpable sense of deja vu would engulf the public today if they’d been allowed to observe the original spectacle of a DEM Potus loathed by a GOP controlled Congress cheering on the POTUS for slashing and burning New Deal regulation. The sequel is just as tawdry as its predecessor. A shame partisan Democrats are to willfully blind and Republicans are too stupid to get it.
I have never seen it as remotely possible that this trade bill would pass. I still don’t see it. And I’m not convinced that the White House is deluded about this. They know they have to try, but they had to try Simpson-Bowles, too, and that was never going to happen either.
I sure hope you are right. Nothing about this bill is good, from what I have seen. A dreadful cluster fuck of the most appalling sort.
What the fuck is Obama doing? How much post-Presidential money is riding on this? His zeal to pass this is way over the top. I have seen this level of enthusiasm by Obama on one thing only – TPP. Nothing else. Why?
Yeah, stories all saying it’s his strongest push since Obamacare. It’s totally bewildering and I am someone who thinks Free Trade us good in the abstract.
And yet the fast track portion WAS passed 219-211.
I thought it would be a little easier for the WH to get it to fail. The Repubs have finally decided just because Obama is “for” it doesn’t mean they must oppose it? fine time