So ms Fitzgibbons apologized to the ‘appropiate’ people and said she hopes the issue is resolved. Sure madam, the schooldistrict fired you the next day and still people are surprised? Ok, it’s Lubbock, living in fear of the feds .. or the United Nations .. of a black president .. longing for the days of segregation in the 50s and 60s. Is there hope for America?

Frenship ISD teacher apologizes after McKinney-related segregation post

Karen Fitzgibbons started the post by saying a McKinney police officer’s resignation after a dispute at a swimming pool made her angry and that the officer should not have to resign.

“I’m going to just go ahead and say it … the blacks are the ones causing the problems and this `racial tension.’ I guess that’s what happens when you flunk out of school and have no education. I’m sure their parents are just as guilty for not knowing what their kids were doing; or knew it and didn’t care. I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone. Maybe the 50s and 60s were really on to something. Now, let the bashing of my true and honest opinion begin….GO! #imnotracist #imsickofthemcausingtrouble #itwasatagedcommunity,” the Facebook post stated.

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Deleted Facebook post by elementary school teacher Karen Fitzgibbons (

Fitzgibbons insisted the post “was not directed at any one person or group.”

“It was not an educational post, it was a personal experience post,” Fitzgibbons said, adding she has a personal connection to the McKinney situation, but declined to elaborate.

She added: “I apologized to the appropriate people,” declining to identify those people. With the post deleted and her apology made, the teacher said she hopes the issue is resolved.

Texas Teacher Fired After Facebook Post Defending Pool Party Cop: ‘I’m Almost to the Point of Wanting Them All Segregated’

A fourth-grade teacher was fired after posting a racially fueled Facebook rant defending Eric Casebolt, the McKinney, Texas, cop who pushed a teenager to the ground at a June 5 pool party.

In a post that has since been deleted, Karen Fitzgibbons, a teacher at Bennet Elementary in Wolforth, Texas, wrote that she was, in all-caps, “ANGRY” over the officer’s resignation, blaming “the blacks” for causing “racial tension.”

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Karen Fitzgibbons apologized for her inflammatory post, but she was fired anyway. (Photo: Fire Karen Fitzgibbons/Facebook)

A statement from the Frenship Independent School District said that Fitzgibbons had been “relieved of her teaching duties” after the administration was made aware of the post.

A reader’s comment to Lubbock AJ article …

Utterly Appalling, Frenship LISD, And Inexcusable

Much like when the Lubbock Avalanche Journal Editorial Board endorsed racist voter ID lawsthat have twice been ruled discriminatory. Just despicable. Much in the way the Lubbock AJ hosts a conservative blogger who cites white supremacist racial slurs against our President.

Of course this racist diatribe was directed at a group. A group the “teacher” refers to as “the blacks”….

Unfortunately, I have had the displeasure of meeting one bigoted teacher from Frenship five years ago. I hope this sort of ignorant racism is not being passed onto to the students being educated there.

What is wrong with some of you? You live in a city that has an African American population of 7%. Many of these comments come from people that are self segregated from African Americans in every aspect of their lives. You inform your bigotry with radio and t.v. You don’t know these children or even realize that they have to contend with your racism in ways you can’t even imagine.

Good grief. I feel so sorry you.


My earlier diaries linked to Lubbock, Tx …

Grab Your Gun, the Socialists Are Coming to TX
Lubbock County Judge Tom Head and UN Contingency Plans