I would like to point out our current, media-driven political plasticization process in all of its Botoxic glory.
Here ’tis in a nutshell.
Before and after.
About a year or more previous and quite recently. Before and after. Nice.
If I were to meet either of these women at a social or business gathering, I would immediately trust the non-touched-up one over the false-faced later example, someone trying to hide her native intelligence under a layer of plasticene lies. (“Picture yourself on a train in a station, with plasticine porters with looking glass ties.” John Lennon, “Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds”/1967. Like dat.) She looks like a botoxed squirrel about to scurry home to its nest with a couple of purloined walnuts under its cheeks. She will not…under orders from her handlers, no doubt…present us with her real physical information. This suggests to me that…like most of the rest of the people who have descended to the presidency over the past 50 years, people who have almost to a man presided over the death of the American Dream…she will lie over and over again should she become president.
“Mendaci neque quum vera dicit, creditor.” Cicero (“A liar is not to be believed even when he speaks the truth.”)
One lie is all it takes to make every statement doubtful. And this kind of Madison Ave. branding shit? I have had enough of the present Narcissist-In-Chief. I do not need another one.
Here is the most encouraging thing that I have heard about any of the candidates over the past few weeks.
Rand Paul cuts his own hair.
Good on him!!!
Me too.
Let the games begin.
Nos mentîtûrus te salutamus
(Those who are about to lie salute you.)
Have a nice day.
You never know how many you have left.
So it goes.
I have seen corpses that look more lifelike.
Maybe they’ve already replaced her with an android!!!
HRC v.2.6
It wouldn’t surprise me a bit.
You know they’re lying about that shit as well, right?
Bet on it
No wonder Bill went elsewhere.
He does such a nice professional haircut job on the sides and back. It’s just the area where a toupee would fit that he turns into something that looks like a bird nest.
His arms are too short to box with God.
So it goes for all of us.
Bet on it.