The latest massacre in Charleston is but the tip of the iceberg. And yet, despite another horrific mass murder, this one very likely a hate crime, coming on the heels of so many over the course of our nation’s history, nothing will be done. But the truth is ever more apparent no matter how loudly the supporters of gun rights and the NRA lobbyists proclaim that guns do not kill people, people kill people.
America is not a safe county, as so may shooting victims, many of them shot with weapons owned by their family members can tell you. Just review the many Gun Fail diaries by David Waldman. And every few months we are reminded by another mass killing in which firearms were the weapons used by the killers. Newtown and Aurora and Tuscon are just three of the most well known, but there have been many, many others.
According to our statistical analysis of more than three decades of data, in 2011 the United States entered a new period in which mass shootings are occurring more frequently. […]
In late September, the FBI released a study showing an increase in the frequency of “active shooter” cases between 2000 and 2013. The FBI analyzed 160 cases, which it defined as any incident in which shooters are “actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people” in a public place, regardless of the number of casualties. Our analysis of the FBI’s data using the SPC method corroborates the FBI’s findings that “active shooter” incidents have become more frequent.
Our analysis further reveals that the FBI data overlaps closely with the Mother Jones data. The FBI’s data set contains 44 cases in which four or more people were murdered; as the chart below shows, the process underlying this set of events shifted between late 2011 and early 2012, with mass shootings occurring more frequently since.
It is an undeniable fact that we are a gun obsessed nation. There are so many guns in circulation that it is relatively easy for anyone to acquire a gun, even violent criminals, even those with a history of suicide, even those with a history of domestic violence and threats against their partners. It’s estimated that up to 500,000 guns are stolen every year. Again, no one knows the true figure because of poor record keeping and no federal requirement to report all such crimes.
What we do know is that civilians make up 60% of the US market for small arms, a market that generated $11.7 Billion in revenue for gun manufacturers.
The United States has less than 5% of the earth’s human population. Yet, collectively we own 35% – 50% of the firearms owned by ordinary citizens (non-military members). That figure comes from a 2007 survey of small arms ownership conducted by the Small Arms Survey an organization based out of Geneva, Switzerland. They estimated that Americans owned 270 million small arms (hand guns, rifles, shotguns, etc.). I suspect those figures is sadly out of date, after the flurry of arms purchases following the two elections of President Obama, electoral victories for which the NRA no doubt is secretly thankful. Not to mention the small number of US gun manufacturers, who control 40% of the worldwide market, of which the United States represents % of the worldwide market. Sadly, even the people who study the manufacture of firearms production have found that the actual number of weapons produced is under-reported. The truth is we do not know how many guns are being manufactured and sold in our own country.
We do not know if the Charleston shooter who murdered 9 people bought his guns on the legal market, or through a private sale on the secondary market, but it doesn’t really matter. Restrictions on the ability to obtain firearms in the United States is de minimis. If anything, since Newtown, many more states have relaxed the their gun laws</a., and Congress has underfunded agencies tasked with enforcing federal gun laws, including the Brady law requiring background checks.
Our poor, urban neighborhoods are awash in guns, contributing to the high murder rates, shootings and gang violence in those communities.
“There are certain pockets of the city where there was some pretty severe gang conflicts that are still brewing. We haven’t changed the gang culture. And the reason why shootings are up in those neighborhoods is because there’s so many guns,” McCarthy said. “If these guys are throwing rocks at each other we wouldn’t have this problem.”
Cops are armed to the teeth, and have demonstrated a propensity to shoot first whenever they confront African Americans and other minorities. To say that the immense number of guns in our society has nothing to do with that fact would be misleading at best. Cops claim to see guns everywhere whenever they confront minorities, even for minor offenses or no offense at all.
But truth be told, it is our fellow gun loving citizens who contribute most to this climate of fear which has led to more gun purchases, and increasing rates of gun violence. The 2014 documentary, Requiem for the Dead, is a horrifying look at the damage our national craze for ever more firearms has caused.
Approximately 88 people in America die every day from gun violence. These deaths are the result of accidents, murders, and tragic cases of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Requiem for the Dead tells the stories of the lives lost between March and June 2014, when 8,000 people in America died from gunshot wounds. The documentary is composed solely from found footage, social media posts, police files, and, most chillingly, recorded 911 calls.
We pay a high cost for our seemingly unfettered “right to bear arms, not only in lives lost but in lives ruined, in people terrorized by fear, and in the economic burden placed on our state and local governments.
A couple of days into what would become her five-month hospital stay, Longdon was lying with her back to the door when a doctor came in. She didn’t see his face when he calmly told her the news: She was a T-4 paraplegic, no longer able to move her body from the middle of her chest down. Rueckert had also survived, but a bullet through his brain left him profoundly cognitively impaired and in need of permanent round-the-clock care.
Longdon didn’t know it yet, but she was also facing financial ruin. Shortly after the shooting, her health insurance provider found a way to drop her coverage based on a preexisting condition. She would be hospitalized three more times in quick succession, twice for infections and once for a broken bone; all told, the bills would approach $1 million in the first year alone. Longdon was forced to file for personal bankruptcy—a stinging humiliation for someone who had earned about $80,000 a year working in the software industry and building a massage therapy practice on the side.
This is a profound public health crisis. And one that each of us is paying the price.
To begin to get a grasp on the economic toll, Mother Jones turned to Ted Miller at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, an independent nonprofit that studies public health, education, and safety issues. […]
In collaboration with Miller, Mother Jones crunched data from 2012 and found that the annual cost of gun violence in America exceeds $229 billion. Direct costs account for $8.6 billion—including long-term prison costs for people who commit assault and homicide using guns, which at $5.2 billion a year is the largest direct expense. Even before accounting for the more intangible costs of the violence, in other words, the average cost to taxpayers for a single gun homicide in America is nearly $400,000. And we pay for 32 of them every single day.
Indirect costs amount to at least $221 billion, about $169 billion of which comes from what researchers consider to be the impact on victims’ quality of life. Victims’ lost wages, which account for $49 billion annually, are the other major factor. Miller’s calculation for indirect costs, based on jury awards, values the average “statistical life” harmed by gun violence at about $6.2 million.
The real question is what are we going to do about this crisis, one that in one way or another threatens each and every person living in this country. For anyone could be the next victim, and any family could be the next one to mourn the loss of a father, mother, sibling or child. Yet, does anyone expect the candidates in the 2016 campaign for the Presidency to focus even a small amount of their time on this plague of guns and what to do about it? Well, they certainly will not if those of us who are fed up with gun violence do nothing, if we cede the field to the gun apologists and organizations such as the NRA, which has become in essence the lobbying arm for the firearms industry and its billions of revenues, both from gun sales but also ammunition sales for these hundreds of millions of guns.
Since when did the right to own a gun override every other right, but most importantly our right to life free, one from the threat of massive hoards of guns in present day America, a danger that our founders could never have imagined? I used to take the middle road (though many will beg to differ) but at this point I can no longer in good faith support a right to ownership by anyone of every kind of firearm imaginable, guns with far more accuracy and firepower than have ever before existed in history. Guns not for hunting or sports such as skeet, trap or target shooting, but for the sole purpose of killing other human beings or threatening them with bodily harm and death. Guns that contribute to the coarsening of our society.
Other nations have found the courage and the good sense to limit gun ownership. We should as well.
Thanks to all who read this post for your consideration.
Steven D, I agree 100% with you.
But the NRA is too powerful right now.
If 20 dead young school children and 6 of their teachers and administrators, and I’ve forgotten how many dead movie goers, didn’t motivate people, do you honestly think that 9 black people killed in their church by some young white psychopath is going to open people’s eyes?
I sure as hell don’t!
Go to Steve M’s great site, “No More Mr. Nice Blog,” where he pulled some of the comments from FOX’s website.
The NRA has been “too powerful” since at least the Nixon era.
I think this hits home for so many reasons that are obvious. But, bottom line, this could have been our Mother, our Grandmother, our Uncles, Grandfathers, Daddys. How many of us have dropped off family members or friends at Bible Study, told them, ‘I have to run an errand, but I’ll be back to get you.’ How many of us would think twice if Mama or Grandma told you, ‘ Oh, I’ll just take the baby with me to Bible Study’. It would never occur to us that this would happen. Not only that, but not one of us is surprised that they welcomed this young man into Bible Study with them, because we know that’s what they would do.
I just can’t with the phuckery today. I have no patience for it.
This is the legacy of the slave patrols.
The second amendment has less to to with overthrowing a tyranny than with preventing a servile rebellion.
Dylann Storm Roof may have associated his white supremacy with Boer South Africa and Ian Smith’s Rhodesia, but white supremacist terrorism is white supremacist terrorism. IMO one of the ways to stop it is to arrest his dad, who gave him a gun for his birthday, on charges of material support for terrorism.
Muslim-Americans have been convicted to long sentences on that charge for doing much, much less that what this dad did.
White supremacists want to bring the post-Earl-Warren United States of America to its knees–not that much different an objective from al Quaeda or ISIS. But they have so embedded themselves in state and local governments that the violence that they encourage is given a free pass.
“IMO one of the ways to stop it is to arrest his dad, who gave him a gun for his birthday, on charges of material support for terrorism.”
My first thought on hearing his age is that he must have been influenced to some degree by the people around him growing up. He was known for his racist jokes in high school. I think that kind of environment is far more corrosive than gifting someone with a firearm, an act that a non-insignificant number of Americans have likely done.
“Guns Kill.”
So does incitement.
Just for the heck of it I read a post that dealt with comments on FOX (Propaganda)News site. Guess what we are all wrong.
Views of the average Fox News
There will be no riots there for that only happens in Liberal states.
It is President Obama’s fault
Al Sharpton’s fault
Liberal MSM fault
This is why these type of attacks will never stop for these opinions have been coached by GOP Propaganda for years.Until the GOP is made fully accountable and punished for pushing this type of stuff it will not only progress but become more bold and radical.
And under the cover of Charleston, the House slips through the Trade Promotion Authority without the Trade Adjustment Assistance and sends it to the Senate.
From Talking Points Memo:
This statement just causes so many things to swirl in my mind. What exactly is the distinction between a racist and “a conservative with a lot of “Southern Pride””? How miniscule is that gap? Can “a conservative with a lot of “Southern Pride” be anything but a racist? I don’t know the answer to that.
As for the “racist jokes”, Well, aren’t those really the basic nutrient which feeds the beast that found it necessary to walk into this church and tell those people that “they just have to go”? Isn’t that the inevitable nexus of the racist joke? To drill into the minds of your fellow tribe member a “reality” that “those people” are nothing more than worthless subhuman mongrels who serve no contributory purpose on this earth? Isn’t that ultimately the final purpose of telling a racist joke? Even thought it might not be consciously intended by the teller of the joke, that is what it does.
So the next time you hear someone telling a racially offensive joke, remember that Dylann Storm Root’s racist baby teeth were most certainly cut by jokes about “niggers”. But, as his classmate said, “but you don’t really take them seriously like that,”…”You don’t really think of it like that.” Well, I’m sorry to say that apparently he “did think of it like that”.
He wasn’t born a racist. But he certainly was perfectly incubated in its culture and heritage. How’s that for some “Southern Pride”?
Jesus. I have no words, Mike. What complete denial. The man just killed 9 people because of the color of their skin and someone is defending him as not a racist? Southern pride? Fuck that shit.
IOW — there are crazy people out there looking to kill Christians. That the Christians killed last night happened to be Black is irrelevant.
This whole “attack on faith” line that Fox News and all their conservative GOP flacks are touting is simply unadulterated bullshit. There is zero evidence at this point that the guy gave a flying fuck that these people were Christians. Simply more window dressing to try and cover up another right wing terrorist attack. Let’s wait and watch how quickly the rest of the media gobbles up this line. We’ve all seen tj6is movie before. After all, “it’s out there so it would be irresponsible to not talk about”.
Propaganda is always BS. That’s not the point.
What kind of sick irony is it that this came out today?
Supreme Court: Texas OK to reject Confederate flag plate
As c u n d gulag has noted, if wiping out 20 little kids at Newtown didn’t do, killing nine people in a church in Charleston isn’t going to matter any more than a fart in a frying pan.
Presidential candidate Donald T Rump has pronounced the massacre “incomprehensible,” and presidential candidate Rick Santorum has offered that all he can do is pray. That will be the basis for our actions going forward: This mass murder was incomprehensible, and all we can do is pray. Until the next incomprehensible massacre at which time we’ll offer up some more prayers.
There’s one way out of this cycle, as you point out, but that will take courage. And that’s a commodity in pretty short supply nowadays, it effect blunted by aggressive, stubborn stupidity which you can see on display in the comments to any story online about this.
Political terrorism:
Want to take odds on whether Roof has some relationship to some law enforcement officer somewhere?
“Want to take odds on whether Roof has some relationship to some law enforcement officer somewhere?”
A bs comment … I’m quite surprised, unbecoming of you. Law enforcement can have odd links to right-wing groups (see the Ferguson cop), but it’s NOT us vs them.
Only the white supremacists [number grew in the Bush years!] in their warped minds of racism have a fight of whites vs all minorities. This crazy guy was brought up in an inferior social group, dropped out of school, likely unable to sustain a job and build a future. The gun spoke for him to gain superiority over a group of people he considered below his “status.” This is all part of the spread of fascism in America. Fortunately, the combined minorities have a majority in the U.S. today or in the near future. There is hope!
His uncle, to recover ‘family honor,’ is willing to push the button for his execution. These people are living a cult of death.
○ Another shooting, another case of US exceptionalism | France24 |
Remembering the Charleston church shooting victims
A gunman opened fire and killed nine people during a prayer service on Wednesday at a historic African American church in downtown Charleston. Their stories are below. Read our coverage of the shooting.
By The Washington Post
June 18, 2015
We always say that some folks don’t see Black folks as human. We got an example of that last night. It wasn’t just that he murdered him.
What kind of evil sits with the victims for an hour?
I honestly can’t get past that.
I just can’t.
For me, it’s the most unreal part of all of this.
If you focus on the evil, you miss the political usefulness. The Rev. Sen. Pinckney successfully pushed through a bill that mandated body cameras for South Carolina law enforcement.
That was a fundamental assault on one of the prime institutions of institutional racism in South Carolina as it is in the rest of the country.
The target was not incidental, and it is not as South Carolina conservatives want to have it “an attack on Christians.” It was an attack on black Christians, black Christians who were working for justice just as they did 50 years ago.
where is that other Senator from South Carolina – Tim Scott? Where is his azz on the TERRORIST ATTACK?!?!? Where is he??!?!
Didn’t think white privilege was absent from the GOP Senate caucus, did you?
Clarence, Tim, and Ben – “ending racism in the GOP” (notice the quotes)
○ Roommate Says Charleston Suspect Planned Shooting For 6 Months
That’s why he targeted a Black church?
This has more to do with where the majority of whites tend to live and where the majority of blacks tend to live. I’ve visited a number of churches over the years and most, regardless of whether majority black or white, are welcoming to visitors.
Merely noted that where people choose to worship has old and deep traditions that continues to reflect a higher rate of racial segregation than what currently exists in other US institutions. It’s a first amendment right of all Americans to make such a choice. Many don’t and many do. Thus, most churches/synogogues/mosques should be the last place any ardent segregationist should consider as a target.
Get a bit queasy about the claim that segregated places of worship are merely a reflection of where people live because that’s the excuse white people outside of the deep south have long used to justify public school segregation.
“Get a bit queasy about the claim that segregated places of worship are merely a reflection of where people live because that’s the excuse white people outside of the deep south have long used to justify public school segregation”
I see. I consider it a claim of fact. White flight was an intentional choice made out of fear and animus. School segregation was backed by law. Church membership, which is a process in most organized churches, is not restricted to white people and most churches celebrate any semblance of diversity that they have. I’m sure it wasn’t the case in the 1950s but it is generally the case today.
It wouldn’t be surprising that white churches in the suburbs have roughly similar rates of black membership as compared to white membership of black churches in the cities. This is not segregation of malice. All the same, there are diverse and multicultural churches across the US.
Charleston, Dylann Roof and the racism of millennials
By Karen Attiah June 18 at 6:21 PM
America should be shaken to its very core by what happened in Charleston.
The gruesome massacre of nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historically black church in Charleston, S.C., may amount to the worst racially motivated terror attack of our generation and a deeply violent reminder that racism and white supremacy continue to course through America’s veins. One cannot help but draw comparisons to the firebombing of a black church in Birmingham, Ala., almost 52 years ago.
The shooting suspect in Charleston has been identified as Dylann Roof, a white 21-year-old. He was arrested (peacefully, one should add) at a traffic stop. Many will argue about what words we will use to describe Roof, whether he should be described as a mentally disturbed kid (a description rarely applied when the alleged perpetrator isn’t a white male) or a rational adult responsible for his alleged actions. His age matters, but not for the reasons you may think.
Roof, who was born in 1994, violently shatters one particularly entrenched myth that society holds about racism — that today’s millennials are more tolerant than their parents, and that racism will magically die out as previous generations pass on. We think that millennials should be lauded for aspiring to be “colorblind.” There is the belief that tolerant young people will intermarry and create a post-racial, brown society and that it will be “beautiful.”
But the truth is that the kids are not all right when it comes to racial equality. Studies have shown that millennials are just about as racist as previous generations:
When it comes to explicit prejudice against blacks, non-Hispanic white millennials are not much different than whites belonging to Generation X (born 1965-1980) or Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964). White millennials (using a definition of being born after 1980) express the least prejudice on 4 out of 5 measures in the survey, but only by a matter of 1 to 3 percentage points, not a meaningful difference. On work ethic, 31 percent of millennials rate blacks as lazier than whites, compared to 32 percent of Generation X whites and 35 percent of Baby Boomers.
with regards to the DOMESTIC TERRORIST:
WHY haven’t we seen his FAMILY on tv?
WHY aren’t we getting stories about THEM?
WHY aren’t we seeing everything on HIS social media?
Uh huh.
Uh huh.
Total annual deaths 2,596,000
Heart disease: 611,105
Cancer: 584,881
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 149,205
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 130,557
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,978
Alzheimer’s disease: 84,767
Diabetes: 75,578
Influenza and Pneumonia: 56,979
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 47,112
Intentional self-harm (suicide): 41,149
Guns 8,000 or .3 %
Concentrate on serious stuff, people.