Sometimes, the mind is boggled:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) slammed Obama’s decision to reopen the U.S. embassy in Cuba, suggesting that it was a “slap in the face” to Israel.
I hear that non sequitur is a Latin term but no one knows what it means.
Evidently, down in Texas they are of the opinion that Jerusalem is a part of Israel and that our embassy in Tel Aviv is the misplaced equivalent of putting the United States Embassy to the Holy See in Croatia.
Let me put it to you this way: No country in the world except for Israel has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Here’s a list of the 106 countries that have diplomatic missions in Cuba.
It’s true that Israel is not one of them. But I suspect that will change before Ted Cruz ever gets to become president of the United States.
Adelson pandering.
Adelson hates Castros because of the suffering Meyer Lansky endured in the revolution.
Cuba reminds Israelis of Iran because it doesn’t have any nuclear weapons. Spooky!
This is why Ted Cruz doesn’t have it. The correct formulation of this style of bullshit is to say that Obama did it to distract from ___. Just fill in whatever you need back in the news again. Benghazi, Solyndra, the Lindbergh baby, whatever.
Sure, it’s an obvious manipulation, but no one is going to wake the press corps and tell them.
Cuba and Israel are identical, in that the number of people in each who care about Glenn Beck is exactly the same.
Oh the stoopid — it burns!
Cuba –> Israel
Concoct the dots!
Obama or was it HRC accidentally recognized it for a bit then walked it back.
Israel for decades was the only state supporting US bid to uphold embargo. That’ll soon be history, but resumption of diplomatic ties still distant. Also, Israel did follow US support for apartheid regime of South-Africa.
true it doesn’t make sense but evidently he was referring to the location of the embassy, i.e. as if we don’t already have an embassy
as for non sequitur, in case your’e not kidding, it means “it does not follow”, sequitur is from deponent verb sequor (i.e doesn’t have active form)
location of embassy – of course you covered that, cutting and pasting gone wrong in my comment, not very wide awake right now, sorry