Good job by the conservative media organ grinders. Now a mere 18 percent of Republicans approve of the job the Supreme Court is doing, even though it has a strong conservative majority.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You won’t see that number budge until Roe is overturned.
That’s the great thing about this upcoming election.
It doesn’t really matter who gets elected, because both parties are the same…
You do realize that liberals give this court higher marks. Given that this is one of the most right-wing courts in a long time, what does that say?
We had a good year.
This is the Roberts’ Court and liberals do not give the court high marks. The number of regressive and asinine decisions is extremely high.
Liberals give some justices high marks and appreciate Kennedy when he “sees the light” (is it even 30% of the time?).
Conservatives still call it th “activist liberal Supreme Court” just like the “liberal media” like Fox News!
Davis, you are too subtle
How can making a statement universally acknowledged by all thinking people to be true be ‘subtle’?
don’t know, but somehow you achieved subtlety. maybe it’s a Scarlet Pimpernel type thing
Now would be a good time to push for 18 year appointments to the federal judiciary… instead of life.
Let’s just do 15 years and their term can be renewed if the President at the time wants to resubmit them to Senate confirmation
The Roberts court loves corporate interests but is more than happy to give the teabaggers the finger. No wonder they’re getting no love. If Scalia, Alito and Thomas were the majority on a five justice court, they’d be most happy.
The GOP has the votes in the House, they could impeach that turncoat Roberts if they wanted. If they had a speck of courage. If they weren’t whiny little pissant babies.
When REAL conservatives held sway, they had no problem calling for the impeachment of Earl Warren: a Republican turncoat appointed by a Republican President.
Apologies, I’ve been out of the frog pond too long!
Someone recently said libertarianism and socialism are opposites (and someone else had a great test to show they have overlap).
I found this article very intriguing, how there can be a Venn intersection:
Also, The Voice In The Wilderness & Marie3 were speculating on why Black voters might favor Hillary, here’s another take on the support, variously discussed in the main dairy this comment is on, the comments in general, and the specific subthread of this comment:
And finally, for Booman, this article was linked out to from, a Rnad-y kinda place if any are:
(they’re mad about his anti-Iran bullshit, but he gets better treatment than most Repubs and all Dems)
for Arthur, who I suspect doesn’t read comments as often as others, I could easily see, if Trump wins, that he might take on Rand as a VP. Trump Vs Sanders would be wicked, the establishment would implode!
Weigel overstates the similarities between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. If you want to put it in terms of venn diagrams, the overlap is really pretty minimal. There happens to be a segment of the electorate whose main concerns fall within that area, but there aren’t that many of them.
If you look at it in terms of the issues that Bernie Sanders most cares about, he and Paul are diametrically opposite. It’s easy enough to say “Both have made the monied elites the chief target of their campaign rhetoric,” but only one of them is pushing a 14.5% flat tax.
And of course there are a lot of other issues people care about. No one who cares about immigration, climate change, or abortion rights is going to have any difficulty choosing between them, for instance.
You can quantify it. Here’s a list of the most imporant issues in the election, according to a Gallup poll. Sanders and Paul are total opposites on at least five of these.