I know that Pope Francis was not directly referring to Donald Trump when he said the following words, and I am certainly not a Catholic anymore nor have I been for over 50 years. But this passage from his unscripted speech to 600,000 youths in Paraguay on July 12th hits Trump’s act dead center.
Friends: the devil is a con artist. He makes promises after promise, but he never delivers. He’ll never really do anything he says. He doesn’t make good on his promises. He makes you want things which he can’t give, whether you get them or not. He makes you put your hopes in things which will never make you happy.
… He is a con artist because he tells us that we have to abandon our friends, and never to stand by anyone. Everything is based on appearances. He makes you think that your worth depends on how much you possess.
Right down the middle.
If you have listened to any of Trump’s speeches, one very interesting repeated lick is that whenever he says something about “My good friend’…whomever that might be…he is sure to immediately describe how that “friend” recently called him up to complain about some part of Trump’s act, followed by something like “Of course I will never speak to him again…” This is a big part of his act, as are his ongoing put-downs of various people who must be “stupid” because they don’t make the kind of money he makes.
Now…religion is all metaphor for something much bigger, and Pope Francis seems to know this. He has just described Donald Trump’s stump speeches in two paragraphs. Did he aim for Trump? I don’t know. In his classic book “Zen In The Art Of Archery” Eugen Herrigel describes how Kyudo Archery teaches one to hit a target without aiming. “Impossible,” you say? No. It’s not. It’s a well documented practice. You could look it up. Maybe Pope Francis is more of a Zen archer than the typical Pope.
Whatever. Aiming or not, he scored a bullseye.
Will America fall to this Trump creature?
Let us pray that it does not, because that would be the beginning of the end of days.
Yes it would.
Arthur, so many pixels spent on the Donald! Good Lord, don’t you realize that we can all see that you like Trump? All the kvetching around it are the sounds of a Frog Ponder doth protesting too much, methinks.
And THIS classic projection:
“This is a big part of (Trump’s) act, as are his ongoing put-downs of various people who must be “stupid” because they don’t make the kind of money he makes.”
“This is a big part of Arthur’s act, his ongoing put-downs of various people who must be “stupid” because they don’t share his annihilative cynicism and hatred for others.”
I believe that Donald trump is the most dangerous national politician that we have seen in my witting lifetime…say since the JFK fiasco. There were other dangerous ones…George Wallace stands out, also Nixon and Reagan. Had Dick Cheney reached a viable position as a possible president he would be right up there w/Trump, and he did plenty of damage as Butch II’s minder anyway. But Trump leads the pack because:
#1-He can finance his own campaign
#2-His act resonates big time with substantial numbers of the potential electorate…not just people who usually vote, but also with the approximately 40% of eligible voters who do not usually vote.
#3-He strikes me as being a true sociopath and megalomaniac. A very intelligent and fabulously wealthy sociopath and megalomaniac, wealth gathered by the same tactics that he would use if he were president. Long story short…bullying tactics. If he were to those tactics on a nuclear-armed world, things could go permanently south very, very quickly.
i guess that takes care of my so-called “liking” of Donald Trump. Had you read what I have written about him over the past week or so my position would have been very clear. If you did read what I have written and came to the conclusion that I somehow “like” Donald Trump, then your reading comprehension skills are either so low and/or so warped by your apparent hatred for me that nothing you say should be taken seriously by anyone.
I certainly don’t take them seriously.
Your dislike for me?
Get in line. It doesn’t bother me a bit. In fact, when people like you start trolling me it just reinforces my belief that I am doing something positive with my posting efforts.
Have a nice day.
Trump is not going to be elected President. Your delusion that he is a real threat to win is one of the chief pieces of evidence helping us understand that you actually admire him. The other chief evidence is that you too engage in nasty demagoguery of the many with whom you disagree. And you justify it just as Trump does, with the claim that civility and honest, accurate appraisals of our government are universally exclusive from each other.
You write:
Once again (One of how many times in the last couple of weeks?)…I sincerely hope not.
By your accounting, the more I oppose Trump, the more I must secretly admire him.
Also by that accounting, I suppose that since I have supported many of the positions of the Paul family, I must secretly oppose them.
Further along those lines, since you industriously oppose me at every possible turn here then you must secretly admire me and quite probably wish to be me.
HAH hah hah hah hah hah hah!!!!
Interesting argument.
An argument totally unresponsive to the post you were responding to, but interesting nonetheless in its testimony to your egomania and commitment to hostility above all else.
You appear to prefer offending people here than persuading them. In that, at least, you have been successful.
I find you offensive, centerfielddj. Do not think that my relations with you or any of the other kneejerk liberals on this site are in any way my whole bag. I get along just fine with a number of people here and in my workplace I get along with pretty nearly everybody. You are offensively stupid in my opinion, and I treat you that way.
Deal wid it.
Could it be…
SATAN at work!!!???
Or just that nasty old PermaGov mule Gallup.
Or…is there really any difference between the two?
Forgot the link. Sorry.
NBC News
The devil is in the details, I guess.
Does Gallup think the Pope is concerned about his ‘popularity’ in the US as if he’s running for office? In the US it’s always about US.
Well…you have to remember that he is the CEO of a fabulously wealthy and powerful organization.
You write:
Yes, but…
In the Church it is always about the Church, and much of its wealth resides right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.
Follow the money.
As always…
Follow the money.
Imagine if there was a real, strong wave of anti-Catholic sentiment in the U.S. population and thus in the government. Or more than likely vice-versa, considering the mind-control media apparatus that is controlled by the PermaGov.
Of course he’s concerned.
That’s all opinion anyway.