The Stupid preaches to a new level of disgust .. a political hara-kiri in any normal nation. In the USA he will most likely be crowned by a third of the population. This even exceeds the Trump towering statements on Mexicans, immigration and John McCain combined. Wonder how Israel PM Netanyahu will react as the Holocaust (TM) is clearly exploited for keeping Zionism as a driving force to claim more land of the Palestinian people.
Tell Congress to do their constitutional duty
& reject the Obama-Kerry #IranDeal –>
« click for website
The Evangelical Mike Huckabee and his love for Israel, not the Jewish peopleDear Congress,
Until you fulfill your constitutional duty and KILL the dangerous Obama-Kerry
nuclear deal with the Iranians, you must NOT take your summer vacation.This deal is a horrific, humiliating handout to Iran that threatens Israel, emboldens
terrorists, and will trigger a nuclear arms race across the Middle East.
It MUST be stopped before it’s too late.Sincerely,
Mike Huckabee
Why This Man Supports Iran Deal — Despite Bibi’s Bluster | The Forward |
There is no ideal world, and there are no ideal agreements,” says Ami Ayalon, a former director of Israel’s Shin Bet internal security service. “And let me add that there is no ideal Middle East.”
Given the imperfections in the world at large and the Middle East in particular, the imperfect nuclear agreement that was concluded with Iran this week in Vienna is “the best possible alternative from Israel’s point of view, given the other available alternatives,” Ayalon told me in a telephone interview. He finds the agreement “hard to defend,” but he defends it anyway.
Ayalon has been out of the security service for 15 years. After a career in the naval commando, ending up as chief of Israel’s navy, he was brought into the Shin Bet in 1996. His job was to rehabilitate an agency that was reeling in the wake of the 1995 assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, which it had failed to prevent.After a four-year term, which overlapped with Netanyahu’s first term as prime minister, he retired in 2000 and devoted himself to an unlikely second career as a peace activist. In 2003 he and Palestinian academic Sari Nusseibeh published a one-page proposal for two-state peace agreement and circulated it as a petition, gathering about a half-million Israeli and Palestinian signatures.
That November, he initiated a roundtable conversation with the other three living ex-heads of the Shin Bet that was published in the mass-circulation daily Yediot Ahronot. Stretched over four pages of newsprint, the discussion found the four in forceful agreement that Israel’s continuing occupation and settlement of the West Bank was endangering the country’s future as a Jewish democracy.
Poll: American Jews Support Iran Nuclear Deal | Tikun Olam |
The L.A. Jewish Journal commissioned Jewish communal pollster Steven Cohen to poll American Jews on their attitude toward the Iran nuclear deal. The results are startling because they expose a huge divide between the positions of the Israel Lobby and Jewish leadership and the rest of the community. While the Lobby is preparing to spend $50-million or more in an all-out blitz to derail the deal before Congress, American Jews generally support it. Cohen finds that 49% of Jewish respondents support the deal and 31% oppose it. When asked whether Congress should support it, 53% said Yes, 35% No.
Among Jews under 40, the result was 59% in favor and 25% opposed. This confirms a rising generation gap between younger and older Jews around questions concerning Israel. This is a phenomenon that many polls have confirmed, most notably the Pew poll on American Jewish identity.
- ○ NYT: Don’t Help Iran Deal Critics Swiftboat J Street
○ US Congress and the flailings of AIPAC lobby
My recent diaries …
○ Netanyahu Invests In Burning Bridges …
○ U.N. Security Council Passes Iran Deal Lifting Sanctions
○ Dutch Again Seek Arrest of Ami Ayalon – 2009
○ Mike Huckabee not backing down after Holocaust remark
President Obama:
The Huckster is probably flummoxed that this time out he’s not at/near the top of the leader board. Has yet to recognize that most of his supporters have found someone better at spewing crypto-christian fascism.
Wonder who the betting pools have at the top for dropping out first.
Maybe there’s a betting pool on how many more hours the Huckster can stay in the race.
Was there ever anyone that didn’t know who this man really is?
I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism
Well, it might be true, just not for the reasons that said Senator believes…
Though likely it’s KSA.
What was it that MLK, Jr. said — okay, here:
Of course that’s not what the Senator meant nor what Obama rejected.
The French serving self-interest, supplied the nuclear materials and know-how for Israel to build its nuclear bomb negating the NPT agreement. The Suez Crisis of 1956 saw the two colonial states Great Britain and France, both permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, collude with Israel to attack Egypt. The British and French held secret military consultations with Israel, who regarded Nasser as a threat to its security, resulting in the creation of a joint plan to invade Egypt and overthrow its President. A few years earlier in the summer of 1954, Egyptian Jews were used as agents of Israel to commit acts of terror in a false-flag operation. Later this became known as the Lavon affair while the covert acts were code-named Operation Susannah.
○ Voluntary Departure or Expulsion: The Jewish Exodus from Modern Egypt, 1948-1967 by Philip Mendes, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies
Extensive coverage and well explained …
○ Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee Speaks at the Knesset in 2014, in 2011 and visits Yad Vashem
○ ADL Letter to Governor Mike Huckabee – May 4, 2011
My recent diary – Islamophobes: Times Square Rally Invokes Holocaust.
Follow the money.