All is not right in Whoville:
North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows had heard from leading conservatives that trying to oust Speaker John Boehner right now was a bad idea.
Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), fierce and frequent critics of leadership, thought the move was ill-advised. Some of Meadows’ friends didn’t even see it coming. But just before 6 p.m. Tuesday — a day before the House was set to leave town for its five-week summer recess — Meadows offered a motion to vacate the chair, an extraordinarily rare procedural move that represents the most serious expression of opposition to Boehner’s speakership. If the motion were to pass — most Republicans say it will be hard to cobble together the votes — Boehner would be stripped of the speaker’s gavel, potentially plunging the House of Representatives into chaos.
Read and laugh:
Meadows’ resolution didn’t hold back.
It states that Boehner tried to “consolidate power and centralize decision-making, bypassing the majority of the 435 members of Congress and the people they represent.” It accuses the speaker of using the “legislative calendar to create crises for the American people, in order to compel members to vote for legislation.” The resolution also charges Boehner with using the Rules Committee to limit amendments.
The “Speaker has, through inaction, caused the power of Congress to atrophy, thereby making Congress subservient to the Executive and Judicial branches, diminishing the voice of the American People,” it reads. “Whereas the Speaker uses the power of the office to punish Members who vote according to their conscience instead of the will of the Speaker.”
Over on the other side of the Hill, Mitch McConnell is getting called a liar by Ted Cruz on the Senate floor.
Donald Trump is riding high and torturing John McCain by offering his moose-hunting sidekick a cabinet position.
Good times.
…in his administration in an official capacity.
Phew! Good to know that Trump isn’t sufficiently ignorant, dumb, or crazy enough to plop Palin in a cabinet post. Stick her in that “faith based outreach” thingy that is practically invisible. After the initial appointment and media swoon, she and it will disappear.
Check out 6/30/15 SarahPac FEC filing. It exists mostly to exist. IOW, fundraising to support the fundraising. But also to haul Palin’s ass around for appearances.
Of course Meadows is absolutely right about the inaction and atrophy. I wonder if the obvious alternative has ever entered his head. The one even remotely conceivable way in which this House of Representatives could ever become productive would be for 30 + Republicans to join with the Democrats to hand the gavel back to Pelosi.
The one even remotely conceivable way in which this House of Representatives could ever become productive would be for 30 + Republicans to join with the Democrats to hand the gavel back to Pelosi.
And those 30+ GOPers would be primary’d so fast it would make your head spin.
… is not a headline you will not see on any Villager column ever.
It’s a good thing the American people keep placing grownups in charge.
This is your brain on acid. This is Republicans governing. I don’t see the difference between these two.
“…the Speaker uses the power of the office to punish Members who vote according to their conscience instead of the will of the Speaker.”
You’re not from around here, are you, Sparky?
Times are tough for Mr. Smith in Washington these days.