The best thing about Donald Trump is that it doesn’t make the slightest difference whether he is, or isn’t, a mole in the Republican Party planted by Bill Clinton.
The effect is the exact same, either way.
The best thing about Donald Trump is that it doesn’t make the slightest difference whether he is, or isn’t, a mole in the Republican Party planted by Bill Clinton.
The effect is the exact same, either way.
Give it time.
Like most dirty tricks (except for that flub by a MI state rep), it’s not easy to ascertain if it’s a hoax or true. And if the former, who planted it?
It’s very Rovian, but there are imitators out there these days. Planting seeds of doubt don’t sprout quickly.
dKos denizens a couple of days ago were cheering Clinton for such a dastardly plot. Sort of forgetting that Trump’s ego is tempered by his intelligence and he is highly unlikely to have been so easily duped. Thus, if true, Trump was in on it. Can’t say that I could see Trump and/or Clinton being above such a creepy ploy.
It’s the ultimate performance art. Just Trump’s style. I can’t say that I wouldn’t try it if I had the money and guts to pull it off.
No way it’s a conspiracy. No one knew how this would play out. No one’s that smart; not even Bill.
My guess is Trump maintains a solid 25% of so of the Republican electorate unless he somehow implodes, which is hard to imagine given that he is himself a walking, talking implosion. The question is what happens as others drop out. Does someone like Bush or Walker overtake him because 75% will never support him? Or does he win over some of those now on the sidelines or supporting others?
I’ve long thought Cruz would be the logical endpoint of the stoopid, the point at which the Republican coalition breaks. I’ve obviously underestimated them. Trump isn’t even really one of them and yet he captures the outrage bordering on encopresis so well. He’s a master of outrage, and strange times call for strange forms of mastery.
Apparently, just over 50% of Republicans polled said they would be open to voting for Trump.
No way it’s a conspiracy. No one knew how this would play out. No one’s that smart; not even Bill.
Actually, we do know that a plot exists because WaPo claimed to have four sources for the story. We just know don’t know who originated it, who participated in it, and what the intent was.
Could be limited to the four so-called leakers with the intent to damage both Trump and Clinton with a hoax. On the latter, they may have overestimated Democrats revulsion at playing dirty when they are doing the dirty deed.
One doesn’t have to know all the potential outcomes of ratfucking to engage in it. And any astute observer has seen some of that from Bill in the past and more of it could have gone undetected.
Bill says, “Hey, Donald, know what would be cool? If you were the Republican candidate and could run against Hillary.” Walks away, job done. With an ego that big, it doesn’t take a lot of priming.
If Trump is so dumb or such an easy patsy, why can’t any of the smart folks figure out what he’s up to?
Since when have people ever speculated that the leading primary candidate in either party could be mounting a third party run? (That was out there before the debate question was thrown at him which is why the question existed.)
He’s smashing all the DC/MSM CW on how to run for President and the DC/MSM is pissed that so far it’s working for Trump. We saw a preview of this back in 2003 when the DC/MSM were forced to focus on taking out Dean because he was breaking some of the rules. And rank-and-file Democrats and liberals were too lame to see all the weapons employed against Dean.
He doesn’t have to be dumb or a patsy, merely arrogant and in love with the limelight. He’s expressed interest before, it couldn’t have been too difficult to push him into running. I’ve no idea if the Clinton’s would have predicted how it’s turning out, but no one here seems overly surprised, so maybe they aren’t either. Trump, so far, has been the best thing Hillary could have asked for.
While “arrogant and in love with the limelight” wouldn’t be descriptive of all celebrities and people that run for POTUS. It applies to many. And for most of those that it doesn’t, one or the other applies.
Is Trump really more “arrogant and in love with the limelight” than Ted Cruz, Fiorina, or Bill O’Reilly? Or for that matter McCain, Romney, and Bill Clinton?
More arrogant than the Koch bros and the long list of wealthy people that are willing to steal our so-called democracy for themselves?
Not at all satisfied with an explanation for Trump’s motivation and success as nothing more than his internal emotional immaturity/psychopathology.
I agree it’s not a conspiracy. Remember Trump had a trial run in 2012. He said a lot of shit then. It was clear that he was in tune with a lot of right wing radio meme, but not all of them.
Now he’s in tune with all of them. It’s like he’s spent 4 years listening to the people who call in to bitch about n****ers and Obama and is now repeating what they said.
This could work. I don’t do motivation stuff well, but the idea of wanting to be President is entirely compatible with Trump’s ego. He’s also someone who almost certainly accumulates people who massage that ego. Over time he’s realized that saying this shit will win the GOP nomination.
If he wins the nomination maybe he has a post-nomination plan to go centrist. Who knows? But this is really who he is.
More bi-partisanship. We need that like we need more global warming.
Fox News to Trump: check asshole, you’re out of here, put up or shut up!
Meanwhile, back in Trump-Clinton land some anonymous PAC slides a small sum over to The Donald to keep him in the race as a brave Independent. And then he gets on the ballot in,let’s say, Ohio and Florida. Oh shit!!!
Reminds me of something my wife said: that her sister told her she thought Trump was drunk. I told my wife it didn’t make the slightest bit of difference whether he was or he wasn’t.