Trump’s “blood” comment. His equivalent to Dean’s “AAAARRRGH!!!” moment? I think so.
The media…definitely including Megyn Kelly…were on his case in that faux “debate”. That’s their main job in a presidential election, to isolate outliers who appear to be dangerous to the PermaGov’s carefully orchestrated fix plan. She attempted to put him on the ropes with her first punch…the first punch of the night…when she asked all the candidates who would not pledge to endorse the eventual Republican nominee to please raise their hands. Of course, they…she and her Fox bosses…knew the answer out front or they wouldn’t have asked it.
They stayed on him…just doing their job, folks, just doing their real job…for the entire presentation.
Then immediately after the show was over…when the most possible listeners were still on the channel,…they ginned up an undoubtedly hand-picked group of about 20 audience members and asked them to raise their hands if they had been Trump supporters or at least undecided about him before the debate. A large percentage did so. Next question? Who remained a supporter. A few faltering hands went up. Job well done. Sheeple sleepled. Bet on it.
Now…I am not “supporting” Trump here, but neither am I supporting Fox News or the other Government Media Complex-controlled media. Their job is to winnow out the outliers and eventually bring the crowd down to a manageable duo, both of whom are acceptable to the PermaGov. They did it to Ross Perot; they did it to Howard Dean; they did it to Ron Paul and they are doing it to Rand Paul and Donald Trump now. I supported some of those people in many of their positions. I do not support Donald Trump on any level whatsoever. If he did happen to say some things with which I agreed I still would not support him. (“A liar is not to be believed even when he speaks the truth.”-Cicero. Yup.). But I support even less the current PermaGov Fix-by-Media system.
Over and out, and WTFU.
And now the news…
You been had.
The PermaGov does not care in the least about Donald Trump’s supposed sexism. In the all-male rooms of the controllers, “sexist” is the least of the epithets that could be thrown at them. All they want is to do is to get him the fuck out of the way by any means necessary but as cleanly as possible,.
Oppose Trump because he has no real positions.
Oppose Trump because his act would be like a bull in the precariously balanced china shop of nuclear-armed international relations.
Oppose him because…as do I…you think that he evinces sociopathological tendencies with his every word, gesture and facial expression.
He’s got sexism problems, too? And Tourette’s of the mouth as well?
Put them on the list.
Get him outta here!!!
But not because he said anything about Megyn Kelly. She’s just doing her job, and she does it well. In my opinion, Fox uses sexist tactics when they trot out bleached blonde after bleached blonde (Check out Fox Sports. Whew!!!) to read the news. Kelly is good at her job. She is smart, tough and speaks well. But if she was fifty years old and looked like your maiden aunt she wouldn’t be there.
Bet on it.
She can take the heat.
In fact, she basks in it.
More heat, more money.
Bet on that as well.
Besides Dean having ideas and Trump having Tourette’s Syndrome?
The most important difference?
Billions and billions of dollars.
Trump can survive. He can literally buy political survival if he so chooses.
Will he?
Looks like…
Remember, it ain’t over until the
fat…errr, ahhh, “robust”…lady sings.She ain’t singin’ yet.
Not by a long shot.
Bet on it.
On Fox as a cult:
Got to admit I feel unqualified to comment on this but it is the only interesting thing I’ve seen on the subject so far.
“Fair And Balanced” in theory. Just don’t try to put it into real practice.
As the GOP has created its own uncontrollable Frankenstein’s monster in its base, Fox News has created a cult which is now an uncontrollable monster. Think how fragile the psyches of the base/cult are to behave the ways they are these days. No GOP POTUS candidate is to get any hard kweshtuns at all at the debates. Only in the cult does this seem a good electoral strategy. And let’s not even get into the cult’s presumption that a “News network” should be working full-time to not just get a GOP POTUS candidate elected, but the the most right-wing one.
Hell with Kelly; O’Reilly is definitely not a Real Conservative in the eyes of lots of these people, and even the sociopathic radical right-winger Hannity is suspect.
Listen to THIS craaaay cray:
Mark Levin uses a former Playboy Playmate here as a character witness for Trump to help defend the Donald from charges of sexism. Seems legit.
Seems we are approaching some Republican event horizon or another. Got to agree with this:
This also happened:
I don’t usually link Right-wing sites but this weekend seems an exceptional case.
Donald Trump is in a class of his own and anyone who wants to take him on doesn’t know how to go about it. He is occupying the middle of the road sitting on huge wad of cash, forcing everyone to maneuver around him. No rule applies, no precedent provides any clue. You might say he is the sublime culmination of Hollywood and Wall Street founded on the national politics going back to Nixon and before the second world war. I wonder if HRC enjoyed his wedding? What kind of a gift did she give the Donald who evidently can buy anything including her. And was hubby there too? Blood!