I noted earlier that the main reason a lot of male conservatives were defending Megyn Kelly is because they’re deluded enough to think that defending her might help them sleep with her. Well, Ted Nugent isn’t defending her, but he still wants to sleep with her.
“I’m a big fan of Donald Trump because I believe in bold, aggressive, unapologetic truth. Period. And I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my [gun ammunition] magazines, I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff…
…”I’m afraid the gorgeous, stunning, otherwise professional and tuned-in Megyn Kelly absolutely fell of the cliff of political correctness when she proposed that obnoxious, meaningless, nonsensical, biased question for Donald Trump…
…”I think she is playing some games, either that or she’s getting bad advice, either that or she’s just getting stupid. Either way, Donald Trump is the good guy, currently Megyn Kelly ain’t…
…”When Megyn Kelly isn’t acting like an idiot, God Bless her.”
I wonder how much money Ted Nugent has made just by keeping his name in the news with this kind of nonsense.
This Wanker of the Day is a lot more literal than is the norm.
To my mind, Ted Nugent is an overrated, talent-free, misogynist piece of shit. His opinions should have as much value as you’d get from any washed-up has been off the street.
Really, why does anyone give a hoot about what he has to say? Once an asshole, always an asshole. Go away, Ted.
So the Wyzzard of the Amerikkkan Rightwing Id has written a tender bit of PR0N to help his superannuated troops get it up for Megyn.
How touching of him. Roger’s under-the-desk shots apparently don’t do the trick any more.
Ok, so a week or so ago when Boo (and many others) were posting that Trump had screwed up because GOPers loved Kelly I was pointing out that no, they don’t like Kelly or any of the Fox blondes. Sure, the wingnuts (male and female, hetero and homo) don’t mind having the blondes around for decoration, but as with women in general they have zero actual affinity for them.
I sometimes wonder about the women and blacks who are hired as Fox newsreaders – do they get that their audience would actually applaud changes in the laws to force them back to the kitchens and the cotton fields?
So, a highly educated and well employed woman is good for nothing more than Ted’s spanking of his monkey. Meanwhile, a boorish former reality TV star (and questionable businessman) gets the thumbs up. Such is the state of teabagery.