The following is purportedly a transcript of Glenn Beck’s radio show. I assume it is accurate.

GLENN: I just got an email from Louie Gohmert. He said, last week I announced to the world if the House and Senate will treat Iran — the Iran treaty as a treaty, I will not run for my congressional seat again. It’s the only thing that I have left that our leadership wants beside my integrity. And after last week that I spent in Egypt, I feel so compelled to do absolutely everything I can to derail this president’s drastic move towards a nuclear holocaust. I won’t run again if the House voted on my attached resolution and the Senate voted on ratification. We have to get him on. This is a really big deal now. I just —

STU: Although I’d hate for the consequence to be Louie Gohmert not in Congress.

GLENN: I’ve talked to a couple of these guys. I’ve talked to a couple of these senators and congressmen who said, too far gone. Good guys, really big guys too, that have said, too far gone. I cannot be a part of this any longer. It’s far worse than it was when the Democrats had control, and I can’t do it anymore. Pray for our nation. We’re at a crossroads, and it’s time we stand and stand together and know what we’re standing for. It’s beyond the Constitution at this point.


I don’t know what’s more alarming, the unconstitutional elements, the nuclear holocaust part of it, or the idea that Congress would worse be off without having Louie Gohmert as an elected member.