Disclaimer: I did not watch the debate. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, since I believe, much like my many friends on the right that it isn’t necessary to watch and listen to the words a candidate speaks to know they are godawful, and a disaster for America if elected because – Democrat!!!! Substitute Republican!!!! for the D Team and we’re all good to go. So without further ado …
Trump won the debate and it wasn’t even close. How do I know? Because he always wins the debate. Trump always says he won, too. Who can argue with such unstoppable arrogance? Not those who vote in polls (warning link NSFW, or any sane person).
Carly Fiorina won the debate for who should be Vice President. Why? She’s a woman, and she’s not Hillary Clinton, and besides she saved Hewlett Packard! She said so, so it must be true.
Chris Christie lost. He’s from New Jersey and he once thanked Obama. Besides, did I say he’s from New Jersey.
Jeb Bush didn’t lose the debate. He didn’t win, but he didn’t lose, because he’s a Bush and there’s a ton of money backing him and he’s just like the Energizer Bunny (because of the money). He said so! Yeah, some people say he was making a joke, but I don’t buy that for a second. Though, I bet he bought that line from one of his speechwriters.
Ben Carson lost the debate by trying to shake Trump’s hand when Trump wanted to high five him, which shows he’s really a racist at heart who hates white people and wants to show them up. Of course, Ben Carson is black so he would have lost the debate anyway, but this sealed the deal. Forget about the polls, he’s going down in flames, trust me.
Everyone else was a no show. Seriously, it didn’t matter if they were physically there, or if like Rick Perry, they weren’t present, in Perry’s case because he dropped out of the race. Which, by the way was the smartest thing Rick Perry has done in his entire life.
The best part of the debate? Ronald Reagan’s Air Force One posing as a backdrop for the candidates! I mean it stole the show. Planes are so cool, especially planes once flown by the greatest president to ever invade Grenada. No one denies this!
Hey, you wanted substance? This was a Republican debate for Crissakes. There was no substance, just a lot of canards, prevarications, half-truths and outright lies. Oh, and ad hominem attacks on Obama and Hillary, as well as once in a great while a few thrown Bernie Sanders’ way. You didn’t have to watch the debate to know how it would play out. If you were smart, you didn’t.
○ Scott Walker became disoriented during the debate 😉
○ Campaign Sketchbook Carly Fiorina: “Here’s looking at You, Donald!”
Jimmy Margulies is an editorial cartoonist in the northern New Jersey suburbs of New York City.
Steven my friend, from all accounts you are pretty close to the mark, but Carson fared better I think. I didn’t listen either, but I channel flipped to it a couple of times and watched for a couple of minutes with the sound off. (better for my blood pressure that way) When the Donald frowns, (he seemed to be doing that a lot,) he kind of looked like a blond (?) haired version of Mussolini .
To be serious for a minute, I really fear for the future of our country at times. How did we get soooo polarized? Frightening really.
I didn’t watch the “debate” either. In my case, I can’t stand to hear voice of Santorum and Fiorina. Seriously, I get nauseous and throw up. Besides,I knew that there would be consise, expert and far more observant commentary by the punditry. Sure enough, according to Newsmax Trump won going away with Carly a distant 2nd.
However, I did read the Tweets from Hillary and Bernie. More or less the same sentiments were expressed, but the effect couldn’t be different. Hillary won.
She was upbeat, funny and tweated in Spanish. I’d be surprised if one of her aides didn’t translate the English to Spanish (does she speak Spanish???), but the thought was there. It was like Bill was sitting beside her telling her what to write.
Bernie tweeted justified outrage tending toward disgust at the end. I must say that I agreed with everything he tweeted (not a big surprise). But it was like James Carville was there telling him what to tweet.
Thinking about what any of the great unwashed (my mother, my brother, my nephews) would have thought … Hillary’s responses were more effective.
Bernie tweeted justified outrage tending toward disgust at the end. I must say that I agreed with everything he tweeted (not a big surprise). But it was like James Carville was there telling him what to tweet.
I don’t think either Hillary or Bernie actually tweets. Did Bernie have any events scheduled yesterday? What ever staffer tweets under the @BernieSanders handle was hilarious. Brutally mocking the GOP candidates. Sad though that they had to preface one by saying they were being sarcastic. Only someone that truly hated Sanders wouldn’t know that. The one I’m talking about is here:
The writer is someone who truly got the internet. Alas.
Agreed that this one was humorous. It was also biting and sarcastic.
After looking back at the tweets that I saw, I will agree, however, that while I liked the Hillary tweets more than the Bernie tweets, the actual content was pretty much the same. My bias showing. Sorry.
I still think Bernie was more acidic, however. And some of Hillary’s tweets were in Spanish. If you are Hispanic, that’s not going to change your mind in the least. But in an “all else is equal” world …
I did watch half the debate and read through most of the tweets sent out under Sanders’ name. Have no idea if Bernie wrote any of those tweets, they were straightforward and consistent with what he says in public. Sharp, pointed, without any frills, and for the most part seemed to be responsive to what was going on at the debate.
Clinton’s tweets appear to me to be mostly canned to send out when the debate got around to each of the expected topics. There’s a vetted quality to them. Nothing wrong with that, but I don’t give any candidate credit for having a staffer texting blurbs. Much prefer watching candidates repeat well rehearsed words that a staffer has written for them.
Not going to disagree with you at all, Marie.
But do you really think Bernie’s tweets couldn’t have been ginned up 3 days ago?
Actually, now that I think on it. Why didn’t BOTH of them do better?
Versions of Bernie’s were written decades ago. Completely plausible that his team constructed a list of “tweets” to be used as needed during the debate. But at least some of them appeared to me to have a quality of being written or refined in the moment based on what happened on the debate stage, but I could be wrong – all of them might have been canned.
If they had made them better than they were, it would have been more obvious that they were written in advance by a professional writer. Although Hillary tweeting in Spanish couldn’t have been more obvious.
Your statement about RR’s Air Force One stealing the show is supported by a fawning tweet from Michele Bachmann.
Just thought you’d like to know how close to absolutely striking the mark you got.
If Bachmann wrote that (which I doubt), then she’s grown a few brain cells since leaving the GOP political stage. But if she tries to make a comeback, those new cells will quickly die.
“Carly Fiona won the debate for who should be Vice President. Why? She’s a woman”
Joni, Joni I am predicting Joni Earnst will be the VP candidate because she has a prettier “persona” than Carly, and a few more working brain cells than SARA P!
While it’s not uncommon for people to speculate on a losing vanity candidate for a Presidential nomination as a Democrat or Republican be given the VP slot, it never happens. More often than not, a strong losing contender for the nomination doesn’t get the VP nod. That’s because it generally weakens the stature of the nominee and/or too bad blood between the nominee and the contender was displayed in the primary battles or the contenders can’t find it within themselves to set that aside and present a united team.
Agree that Ernst is one of the better GOP women campaigners. But she’s also a nutter which does get far more attention when thrust onto the national stage. Slick in WI Walker is dying in neighboring IA and non-neighboring NH. If Ernst weren’t a woman, she wouldn’t be on anyone’s short list. And that has become a real problem in the POTUS follies — as a staunch advocate for affirmative action in education and the workplace, the latter is about doors being open to women and minorities and being graded on the same criteria as white men. Affirmative action was never about hiring unqualified candidates based on gender or skin color. What McCain did was an insult to this nation, and a Bachmann or Fiorina VP pick would be equally insulting.
I watched as much as I could stomach, and followed the rest on Twitter. You are spot on. Shame we can’t just have you send these announcements to the media and save us all the trouble of actually holding the damn things.