Look, I don’t really care (although I find it profoundly boring) that Stephen Schneck wants to police what can be said about the pope and accuse people of anti-Catholic bigotry when the truth is that their paycheck relies on them being climate science denialists. His larger mistake is to be appalled that the Washington Post would publish George Will and to call the Post “one of America’s most respected newspapers.”
If the Washington Post is anything, it is a decent paper for covering the actual news in our nation’s capital, but what it publishes on its opinion page is an embarrassment for America and all thinking people.
If you want to criticize opinion pieces in the Post (and who doesn’t?) then at least point out that opinion pieces in the Post are about 80% conservative dreck, 10% mindless both-siderism, and 10% something that might, on a good day, edify anyone.
And, trust me. There’s no point in shaming the editorial board or accusing them of religious intolerance. They want to publish this shit.
The Post’s editorial page has been an embarrassment since at least the early 80s when I was in college and used to read it most every day. No truly serious person takes it seriously.
Of late I’ve taken to telling Retards* of my acquaint if you think the Times, or the Post are liberal you don’t read them.
*Look it up: to slow things down, prevent progress, obstruct…
But wasn’t it King Reagan (or was it Nixon) who labeled the Times (anyway) as a leftist liberal paper?
It must be true.
…the truth is that their paycheck relies on them being climate science denialists …
Professional liars. Pretty much the entire wingnutosphere.
I see what you mean. Somehow I doubt that Schneck is going to draw the obvious conclusion here: if climate denial is equivalent to anti-Catholic bigotry, then fighting climate change must be at the very core of the Catholic mission. If he’s a good Catholic, he’s going to dedicate his life to climate activism.
Yes? No? I don’t much care, actually, but I doubt it.