I’m really not sure I would actually trust Ben Carson to operate on my brain. I know he’s very good, but…

Maybe Trumpism isn’t such a bad thing after all.

The Bloomberg News editorial board has some pretty low standards for “knows how to govern.”

The Black Panthers were ahead of their time.

The following is a little silly, but for those of us who were there, it rings very true.

Eventually, after you have (hopefully) led a long and full life, and after your grieving relatives cluster around your bedside in a most gratifying display of grief at your passing on, your soul will leave your body and you will rise into the heavens towards a light more bright and beautiful than you have even seen. As you approach, a small wooden dais topped by a very large book will appear. Behind it will be standing a very impressive angel, patiently awaiting your arrival.

He will ask you a few, quick informational questions. There may be some additional queries posed of a more searching and personal nature. Eventually, he will ask if you either attended or have listened to the Grateful Dead 1984-10-12.

If you say yes, you will be promptly admitted into Paradise with no further delay. If you say no, or merely looked baffled, there will be a prolonged, awkward silence while St. Peter regards you with pity and exasperation over the top of his glasses.

After a few seconds, he will utter a sigh, shake his head sadly, the clouds will part beneath you until you fall all the way back to Earth, where you will be forced to relive your life until you finally listen to this show.

Yeah, it’s that important.

Listen here.

What’s on your mind, besides the pope, of course?