I hope diaper-wearing David Vitter isn’t so damaged in his home state that he can’t even make the runoff in his bid to replace Bobby Jindal as the governor of Louisiana. John Bel Edwards isn’t exactly my kind of Democrat but he’s impressive in his own way and it would really be a nice capstone on Jindal’s career to have him watch a Democrat sworn in as he’s walking out the door. And, somewhat surprisingly, the polls show that Edwards would beat Vitter.
Since the hurricanes emptied the Bayou State of many of its Democrats, I haven’t held out much hope for Democrats in statewide races down there, but people appear to justifiably loath Jindal, and Vitter’s picture ought to be in the dictionary under “hypocrite.”
So, there’s at least a chance that the Democrats could make a limited comeback. The governor’s mansion is nothing to sneeze at.
“Since the hurricanes emptied the Bayou State of many of its Democrats…”
Ah, progress. Remember back in the 20th century when you wanted to get rid of political adversaries en masse, there was all this unseemly mucking about with boxcars and camps.
Ah…that’s why I’ve seen attack ads paid by Vitter campaign on LOGO tv, of all places…