Does anybody sincerely like anchovies?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
nope. don’t like them.
I’ve known a person or two who liked them. You don’t hear too many requests for anchovies on a pizza; actively requesting them seems a pretty sincere expression.
One or two in a lifetime qualifies as “anybody,” but just barely.
I like them. When I lived in Boston I would frequently get a mushroom and anchovy pizza. They also add flavor to sauces. Putenesca sauce is great!
Well, here you go, Boo.
They are useful as a component of recipes including pasta and caesar salad, adding an umami quality. You may actually like them and not be aware of it.
Anyone that’s never had a caesar salad with the freshly made and original recipe dressing, including mashed up anchovies, hasn’t experienced the real thing. And it is wonderful.
For unknown reasons, more often than not when sharing a pizza with others, the order was always anchovies on half of it. The half without was a concession to me.
I neglected to remember this. You’re right; my favorite Caesar dressings have been seasoned with anchovies, and they are delicious in that setting.
it is an ingredient in A1 steak sauce
A major component of Worcestershire sauce, as well as fish sauce (both Roman and Asian).
And yes, they’re a secret ingredient in my pasta sauces (Mario Batali taught me that) but no I’ve never met anyone who liked them on pizza.
Add ‘fresh’ anchovies on top of an already baked pizza. You get the flavor (or unami) and not just patches of oily salt.
“Anchovies on the side” and a mushroom pizza. Yum.
Supposedly lots of things trigger gout in the susceptible. Most of which are bullshit, just varieties of the post hoc argument.
Except foods loaded with purines. And nothing has more concentrated purines than anchovies. I had to take my medication for the first time in MONTHS after a delicious Caesar at a famous restaurant outside El Paso (I wasn’t paying). I asked for extra anchovies. Ooops.
The ironic thing is that the guy who paid was a vegan. Who told me right before I ordered that the only meat or fish product he craved after going vegetarian-(mostly)vegan was anchovies. And I ate them right in front of his face. Take that nephew!! And woke up the next day in excruciating pain. Karma being kind of like that sometimes. So now I crave them and don’t eat them.
Delicious. Been known to eat one or two straight if I’m around an open jar.
I like anchovies, but putting them on a pizza is a perversion of nature.
And not in a good way.
Yes! Delish.
If you’re after anecdotes, not data, then yes, I sincerely like anchovies. I like them in Caesar salads and on pizzas and in pasta dishes. Generally I like them as a condiment.
I’ve never had a plate of anchovies, but I went through several plates of grilled sardines once.
Yes. I love them. And it is the primary ingredient in fish sauce, a staple of Southeast Asian cuisine, which is my favorite. The problem is that so many Americans have become one dimensional when it comes to their food choices. Anchovies are so much more than the little dead fish some people pull from a can and slap on the American version of pizza, or smash up to put in their Caesar Salad.
Anchovies rock, BooMan!!
Yes, very much.
Like them in caesar salads, not on pizza.
American pizza places never cook them correctly. They need to be rinsed first and then placed on the pie during the last 8-6 minutes of cooking.
Every time I’ve ordered them from a pizza joint they take them right out of the can/jar and place them on the completely uncooked pizza. They turn into disgusting salt bombs with no hint of umami if you do that.
Yes — though I think they’re wasted on pizza.
Chopped up in a Greek Salad? Delicious. Small quantities added to Caesar Salad Dressing, yum.
I had them once in a marinara sauce on pasta — that was tasty too.
They are rather strongly flavored, so I can understand if not everyone likes them. (On the other hand, I do not like jalapenas… AT ALL. So tastes vary…)
I agree that the best use of them is in salad dressing.
They’re good if you use them properly. Overpowering in large amounts.
You got something against baby seals?
Surely you jest, sir !
You have never had Pasta Colatura di Alicia ? Best remnant ever of the Old Roman Empire.
The old Garum still persists in a junior-grade way in Asian Fish Sauce, and if you can find the n-rated ones, 40, 50 or even 70% Nitrogen, you have found a very good Asian market, send me the address.
In SouthEast Ghana (West Africa) we make stews out of dried anchovies (like dried codfish or tilapia) that are rehydrated. These are not salty like the canned European/American type. It’s also used in a hot pepper sauce similar to Chinese black fried pepper. The dried unsalted anchovies are also great toasted on charcoal then dunked in a hot salsa eaten with steamed corn flour dumplings. Mmmmmm…yummy
Anchovies have the topmost quality protein.
Have never seen dried anchovies
What are they called ?
I will be in San Diego, and there is an African market near where the kids live – El Cajon near 42nd – .
SHUT UP. I love anchovies, but can’t eat them any more. Bagna cauda (anchovies poached with garlic in olive oil until both dissolve) is the best dip in the world.
I know this is late, but I’ve just got to reply for the record.
Yes, I seriously like anchovies. And I wasn’t brought up with them.
Down here in TX, pineapple and ham seems to be the most popular topping for pizza. They do have anchovies available, but I was told by the guy behind the counter that I was one of the few people that asks for them.
By the way, there are anchovies and there are anchovies. Some kinds are a lot better than others, not that you would probably care.