Rush Limbaugh doesn’t know how, but he’s certain that the announcement that NASA has found flowing water on Mars will be used to advance a leftist agenda, probably on climate change. Also, he never gets tired of being right, even if it is lonely at times.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
This Facebook Fail is screwing up the look of my front-page.
Poor Rush is sitting in pools of sweat trying anything to get some media attention. He is watching his ratings plummet and trying to keep his head above Martian water.
I thought he was dead.
I thought he won a lifetime Wanker of the Day achievement award years ago and was no longer eligible.
Yes, water has a known leftist leaning.
OMG! Good news about life is always leftist.
Rush who? He still has a show? I haven’t heard anything from him in several years. Maybe he never learned how to tweet or post to Facebook so his “voice” was never heard by the media or public… Since retweeting is what passes as reporting these days.
Christ, remember when Rush’s attacks on Congressional Republicans would send them on their knees to kiss his ring and apologize to him and the Dittoheads for the misunderstanding? Such good times. That such a pitiful human being had so much power for so long is…disappointing.
But it’s certainly not ahistorical. In the modern media age, there has been a long series of demagogues who have taken to the air with unmitigated baloney to stir up the rubes. And before that, they took to the printed page to do so.
Is Nasa capable of a big coverup? Yes. But on aliens, not climate change.
Otoh, this latest news does come about the time that new movie The Martian is about to open. Starring Matt Daemon. I don’t know if it has to do with aliens, or earthling astronauts feeling alienated from one another.
But the thought does occur that Nasa would want the pub from that movie to spill over synergistically into more public support for a manned flight to Mars. But not if there’s just red dust there.
Rush doesn’t see the significance, since it’s not like he’s about to go to Mars.
But he’d book his travel plans in a nanosecond if NASA announced they’d discovered underage boys selling OxyContin and boner pills.
It’s a different bubble.
A few years ago, I was in eastern Washington for a family wedding.
They had one, thready sounding, static-filled NPR station, but AM radio was loud and clear, Russ on several stations, and FOX loud and clear and free over the TV airwaves. I never knew whether or not they had PBS.
Not much in the way of newspapers.
These people are mostly local, with local horizons and a local perspective. They are not stupid, but it takes a real effort to get very far out of town.