Reading Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible (mini-review: excellent; could not recommend too highly) and came across this paragraph, ripped from Current Events, this morning:

Well, why were they dumb enough to vote for Leah anyway, is what I asked Nelson. If they knew it was going to get Tata Kuvudundu so riled up? Nelson said some of them that voted for her were put out with Tata Ndu, and some were put out with Father, so everybody ended up getting what they didn’t want, and now had to go along with it. Nobody even cares that much one way or another about Leah, is what Nelson said. Oh, well, I told him. That is what we call Democracy.

Contest idea!

Substitute names of current public figures where you think they best fit in place of Kingsolver’s character names in that paragraph, to best capture the flavor of current House GOP caucus insanity. Treasurable prize tbd for winner, chosen by whatever undivulged and arbitrary criteria I feel like applying, including whim. Judge’s decision final.