Back when I was deep in the weeds of developing the site that would become Booman Tribune, Time magazine recognized Powerline as the Blog of the Year. Those were the days, with Bush-Cheney fresh off the ratification of the people and reelection to a second four-year term, when Dartmouth assholery was at an apex. I realize that most people don’t know what Dartmouth assholery really means, but it’s a thing.

Don’t get me wrong, any institution that can give us both Dr. Seuss and Mister Rogers can’t be all bad, but Dartmouth also gave us Laura Ingraham, Dinesh D’Souza and the folks that run Powerline. There’s a strain of right-wing obnoxiousness at that university that is an embarrassment to all Ivy League graduates and the people who are supposed to educate them.

Still, John Hinderaker (aka, Assrocket) has a point. If Jeb Bush is going to spend the bulk of his time nitpicking Marco Rubio about his U.S. Senate attendance record, he ought to just give up and go home.