It’s funny to watch Peggy Noonan do her den mother routine, asking Republicans to take it easy and not play too rough with each other.
She’s been on a book tour which I’ve noticed has also involved a spike in cable news appearances. So, she’s talked to some actual “real Americans” in her travels and she feels like she really has her finger on the pulse of the electorate.
The base hates immigrants of the Latino variety. She’s sure of this now. Her cocktail buddies don’t really care about immigration, however, and they want to open their checkbooks for candidates who don’t care about it either.
There are also disagreements over whether to gut entitlements in a time of economic hardship or to build the biggest, shiniest military and what might be appropriate uses for it.
But Noonan doesn’t risk having an opinion on these lofty subjects of dispute. None of them really matter to her, but they are things that could cause a lack of unity. And disunity is bad because it could lead to electoral defeat. And that does matter to her.
So, why does Noonan want the Republicans to win?
She doesn’t say. They could win with a xenophobic, militaristic, anti-free trader who wants to protect Medicare or a pro-amnesty, isolationist who loves the TPP and wants to privatize Social Security. The important thing is that the kids get along and present a unified front.
She gets paid pretty well to produce this stuff, you know.
Dame Peggitha Nooningtonhampshire really only cares about being given the scratch to buy enough pills and hooch to make it to the next day. hic!
“Family unity” is pretty much at the bottom of her list, but I suppose she’ll scribble that out in order to please her paymasters and stay on the cocktail circuit.
GOP bigshots think they have or will buy & own any final nominee.
I keep thinking that there might be a big GOp Redoux Debate in 2016 with only 3 different candidates on stage.
They kicked that idea around for a while, until a spoilsport reminded them that they haven’t yet mastered deleting the past from the internet.
What? They haven’t shipped her off to the Betty Ford retirement home yet?
The Guardian: Paris: shootings and explosions at restaurant, concert hall and Stade de France – live
Will the thugs claim this is retribution for the reported killing of Jihadi John?
This will play right into the hands of the French Right.
The terrorists expect the French Right to play right into their hands.
A Mutual Aid Society. Reminds me of the Nazi-Communist fighting in the last days of the Weimar Republic. Nothing helps recruitment like an atrocity from those Godless devils on the other side.
somebody will probably claim that, but an attack this big must have been planned for a while.
Planned, yes. But the timing of it may have been left open. I’m struck by the low level of the concept and how few they were able to recruit to participate in it. Suggests that suicide missions are of limited appeal.
Sometimes Peggy loves the sound of her voice, but doesn’t listen to what she is saying. She offers two things Republicans should remember, and says one thing two ways. She couldn’t even remember it herself from one sentence to the next.
She does at least have enough integrity to let Bush share the blame with Obama for the current situation. Of course, he deserves much more than half the blame, but half is much more than most Republicans would assign.
Saint Ronnie’s acolyte lights the candle and recites the 11th Commandment.