It seems the death total from the Paris attacks may range as high as 153, perhaps more. This is an horrendous crime. A crime perpetrated not just by religious fanatics but more significantly, ideological extremists, people who believe in a set of dogmas, principles, tenets and beliefs, beliefs not only worth dying for but killing far as well. The beginning of the 21st century has been known by income inequality, not only economic loss among the 99%, but a turn among many disenchanted individuals toward simple answers to issues that have no simple answer. And once you go down that road, the more extreme, violent elements in every society begins to sprout up, for the desire to find something or someone to blame is a strong trait among us. Though never a majority, ideologues rely on willingness among some of those living in these stressed populations, ideologues willing to accept violence as a remedy.

For example, the increase in fundamentalism among many disaffected groups, right or left and those beholden to religious explanations for their plight, as well.

Let me just say, less than 20 years ago, the worst terrorist attack in our country occurred (at least until 9/11 happened). The number who died at the hand a ideological extremist, Timothy McVeigh and friends, 165 people were killed and another 650 or so were injured. This is what our global economy, with its emphasis on exploitation and the treatment of human beings as commodities, has wrought. All across the world, the disaffected, the oppressed, those who suffer from mental instability, and those looking for a simple answer to their misery, will look to simple answers, answers of the most hateful, violent groups, movements, religious cults and sects, or simply right wing and left wing political radicals.

These acts in Paris, and also around the world today that did not receive as much media attention, are equally crimes against humanity. But we must remember, this issue is not linked to only one threat, or to one groups of extremists. That is all I want to say.