It looks like Mitt Romney’s self-deportation immigration reform plan is working out better than anyone expected.
More Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico from the U.S. than have migrated here since the end of the Great Recession, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from both countries. The same data sources also show the overall flow of Mexican immigrants between the two countries is at its smallest since the 1990s, mostly due to a drop in the number of Mexican immigrants coming to the U.S.
From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico.
A few years ago there was a non-problem that really got Donald Trump energized. This was the question of whether the president of the United States had actually been born in the United States where his mother and father went to college or if he had been born for some inexplicable reason in Kenya, where neither of them lived. Of course, it didn’t matter either way since his mother was a U.S. citizen, but it was a non-problem that we all had to discuss nonetheless.
Around the same time a new political force came into existence that called itself the Tea Party. “Tea” was an acronym for “Taxed Enough Already.” You want to know what the most remarkable thing was about this movement? As CBS News reported at the time, “as a share of the nation’s economy, Uncle Sam’s take this year will be the lowest since 1950, when the Korean War was just getting under way.”
In other words, these anti-government activists chose the moment of lowest real federal taxation in more than a half century to launch a ferocious anti-tax campaign. Again, a non-problem that suddenly became something we all had to discuss and reckon with.
We’ve had a lot of these non-problems if you think about it. There was the non-problem with Fast & Furious, which was an ill-advised program begun by the Bush administration. There was the non-problem of professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Shirley Sherrod and Solyndra and ACORN and in-person voter fraud and the IRS and the so-called Benghazi cover-up and the Ebola panic and now Syrian refugees.
We seem to be living in a political world that is driven less by problems than non-problems that the Republicans have dreamed up or trumped up.
Our biggest immediate problems are probably climate change and a crumbling infrastructure, which the Republicans seem incapable of doing anything about. Or, if you think our biggest problem is the rise of a new virulent terrorist organization in the Middle East that is now looking to strike the West, the Republicans are focused on the non-problem of 10,000 highly vetted refugees rather than the millions of lightly vetted tourists who come here each year. In other words, they want us to focus our attention and resources on something that won’t help and that will do nothing to address the actual threat.
But that’s the pattern here. That’s basically all we get with these people. They come up with a non-problem and we all have to drop everything to address it.
It’s not just Hillary’s damn emails that I’m sick of hearing about.
Trump is so agitated over the non problems now that he’s pretty much become the poster child of where fear mongering can dump you. There is no reason left in his campaign, none, and likewise reasoning with his party is folly. Still.
And yet, there is no escape from the Rep’s.
Exactly why they have to own the mainstream press.
Yes. It’s not about real problems. Just like it’s not about real governing. It’s about finding totems for (white) fear and rage, and magical solutions through pure posturing and gesticulations. It’s politics entirely drained of objectivity or negotiation and reduced to pure magical thinking.
It’s like a lava lamp of insubstantial resentment, the true believers lost in an anger trance thinking each new bubble is something indescribably unique and moving, when it’s just the same old colored wax floating up and down.
The bit about the lava lamp captures their state of mind perfectly: narcissistic rumination, phantasmagoric nastiness and bullying. What with the Paris bombings, refugee influx into Europe, impending ‘world war’ on Islamic State (if Hollande has his way), it hard to keep a sense of humor.
For example:
Really? If so the idea most Americans have of what they ought to be like may need some work.
Yes, I’m about at the end of my mental rope dealing with this shit every day. But when the only people calling it for what it is are the DFH bloggers and people on obscure media networks with little visibility, the feeling of powerlessness is just overwhelming.
And then perception BECOMES reality, and there seems to be little one can do about it. Maybe Karl Rove was right, after all. Maybe not necessarily as he intended, but right, just the same.
“Fallows shows how financial pressures, particularly corporate ownership and the growth of television, have created “entertainment envy” in journalism. As a result, political journalism is fast becoming a hothouse where adversarialism thrives and discussions of policy wither.” An old link, but never more true…
AJAM’s failure would seem to agree there aren’t enough viewers to make it work.
‘Perception’? Rather specters, figments of the imagination: ‘I say let there be whatever I say, and there it is’. Magical thinking. Would anyone still let Carson operate on their brain?
Connect the dots between this post and the MSNBC post right below. Too few eyeballs for a hundred or so TV channels; so, the “news” channels need all the train wrecks and car and airplane crashes that they can get to peel viewers away from other channels.
“Breaking” and important news was once rare and seemingly truly important and drew in at least half the population to watch the live TV broadcasts: September 23, 1952, November 22, 1963, July 20, 1969, and September 11, 2001. (August 8, 1974 might belong on that list, but haven’t found the number of viewers for the national broadcast that evening.) Now we have “breaking” 24/7, and most people tune it out.
Need to add July 17, 1955. National audience 90 million.
Thanks- didn’t know this as a television broadcasting phenomenon. Jeez, Disney’s been a media titan for quite a while.
An American milestone — almost as big as landing on the moon.
Cable companies are losing subscribers and the cable news business is dying.
Nobody gives a rat’s ass about cable news. People go to a cable channel to get their prejudices confirmed.
Cable companies != cable news. Comcast is going to enforce their 300GB data caps while providing a capless tv stream for example.
Other than a small segment of the populace who seem haplessly addicted to cable “nooz,” a lot of people thankfully are really getting sick of it and tuning out. I am so grateful that at least a small portion of my rightwing fundie family has finally turned off Fox and Rush bc even they feel it’s all bullshit, and they’re sick and tired of the ceaseless stream of negativity, senseless outrage, posturing and fear-mongering.
They are still pretty conservative and mis-informed but MUCH easier to talk to now. Praise the Lord!
Not to mention fabricated problems like WMD.
Intetestingly, this is mainly attributable to Obama’s increased focus in border control accirding to what I read
pity it would get a very wide audience
Factually, immigration INTO the USA from the South of Boarder (from various countries) has been dropping quite a bit since the 2008 crash. Of course, it’s rarely mentioned how a significant percentage if “illegal” workers have been recruited, hired and brought here by certain business, especially the meat processing plants in the south, due to low wages. Of course, when ICE comes a-knocking, it’s the workers who get deported and the bidness owners don’t even get a tap on the wrist.
For all of AZ posturing and new laws against “illegals,” it was mainly the hospitality and construction bidness owners who were willfully going out to recruit and hire illegal workers bc low wages.
And then there’s those true stories about lost profits in the Ag sector in, I believe, AL and GA when they really did clamp down on hiring illegal migrant workers to pick crops. I believe that happened mainly around 2008/2009, and those farmers lost a lot of money bc, for all the bellyaching about illegal workers “stealing” US worker jobs, there simply weren’t enough US workers to do the work. I haven’t heard anything about a similar situation since then, which leads me to believe that these hypocrits are back to hiring illegal workers to pick their crops again. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Factually, a lot of very hard working Mexicans (and probably from other countries) have been deported under the ObamaCo Admin, for which (for better or worse) Obama seldom gets credit (likely NEVER in the rightwing outlets, like Fox and Rush). ObamaCo has deported lots of Mexicans for minor infractions with the law.
OTOH, many Mexicans, who’ve worked hard and saved here, have decided to move back home, where many have been enabled to build nice homes and have enough to live on for the foreseeable future. So the GOP goes: HURRAY!!!! Of course, the other side of that coin is that their hard earned wages have been/are being spent in the Mexican economy, not the US, and we don’t have them here to tax anymore. So, who’s cheering now?
Immigration “policies” have been seriously f**ked up almost forever, and the massive stupidity, cupidity and vapidity surrounding it is just depressing and deplorable.
So. Sick. of. the. GOP. (but not much happier with dumb bunny Dems who do little to counteract the atrociousness of what’s happening anymore). ptoui!
has a similar post
Yes, it’s been an endless emergency with the Republicans since 1994. Of course, since pretty much all of the crises they get wound up about are imaginary horseshit that’s been ginned up by the grifters, lunatics and fools who run their party, it makes it really hard from them to react to actual crises in anything resembling a constructive way.
What else can you expect from a political party that wants to put a guy like David Vitter in charge of anything more involved than
changing diapersscrubbing toilets?This is all pretty funny. The pro-open borders line is always that it would cost billions to deport the illegals. Yet, when the illegals cannot find jobs, they simply find a way to return.
That means that if eVerify was a required part of all job applications, the lack of jobs would result in people finding ways to return.
We need to impose an eVerify requirement for all jobs. The problem is not a difficult one. It’s solvable. Impose eVerify, and the plague of jobs taken by Canadians, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Indians, Mexicans, Guatamalans, and other illegals can be ended. Americans should have first crack at jobs here.