[Update-2] The Red Line and the Rat Line
Seymour M. Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels
will expand later …
A live event I watched with astonishment on AL Jazeera. I didn’t take more than 5 minutes of his speech to understand Erdogan was delivering a major speech. Using all false rhetoric of arrogance, fascism and the distortion of facts. Using the label “terror” very similar to and copying George Bush and Binyamin Netanyahu before him.
I must wait for the video or transcript, will publish as soon as available.
A few remarks from memory:
- artificial borders have been drawn by colonial rulers
- root cause of suffering along 900 mile border of Turkey with Syria
- a hundred NGOs are operating inside Turkey with a foreign agenda
- all one and the same criminal group: YPG, Assad and IS committing crimes against humanity
- don’t be misled by mass murderer Assad responsible for deaths of 380,000 Syrians
- Assad leads an illigitimate terrorist regime
- many of our countrymen, Turkmen are suffering due to heavy bombardment
- what gives a foreign power the right to establish itself in Syria
- these powers are thousands of miles separated from Syria
- Turkey shares a long border, splitting families and relatives
- Turkmen have decide to wage battle and die as a martyr, not seeking refuge in Turkey
- Turkmen share the same of our moral values
My three recent diaries …
○ Russian SU-24 Fighter Shot Down By Turkey
○ ISIS Terror Attacks Lead to A Franco-Russian Coalition
○ The Terror Trap Laid By Warmongers In the US and Israel
[Update] No Excuses from Erdogan, A Stern Warning to Russia
Turkish President Erdoğan warns Russia ‘not to play with fire’
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has warned Russia “not to play with fire” in the wake of a crisis between Ankara and Moscow following the downing of a Russian jet by Turkey on Nov. 24 near the Syrian border.
“[Russian President Vladimir] Putin says ‘those who have double standards on terrorism are playing with fire.’ I totally agree with him,” Erdoğan said Nov. 27 in the northern province of Bayburt.
“Indeed, supporting the [Bashar] al-Assad regime in Syria, which has killed 380,000 people, is playing with fire.
Striking opposition groups that have international legitimacy with the excuse of fighting against Daesh [an acronym of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL] is playing with fire.
Using an incident in which Turkey’s righteousness is accepted by the whole world as an excuse to torment our citizens who were in Russia to attend a fair is playing with fire.
Irresponsibly hitting trucks in the region that are there for trade or humanitarian reasons is playing with fire.
We sincerely advise Russia not to play with fire.”Erdoğan also expressed his willingness to meet Putin during the upcoming climate change summit in Paris in order to find common ground and avoid a further escalation of tension.
“We are uncomfortable with efforts to take the dispute over the downed jet into other areas of relations. Let’s not allow that to happen,” he said, underlining that maintaining good relations was beneficial for both countries.
○ Putin approves economic sanctions against Turkey
Claiming that Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian jet was not “intentional” but simply a result of an automatic enforcement of rules of engagement, Erdoğan nevertheless argued that Turkey was right to do so.
“Turkey has proved its honesty” by releasing audio recordings of the warnings issued to the Russian pilots, he added.
Erdoğan also touched on the joint press conference held by Putin and French President François Hollande on Nov. 26, describing the former’s comments as “unacceptable.” Denying allegations that Turkey has been purchasing oil from ISIL, Erdoğan said the oil trade between ISIL, Russia and the Syrian regime had been documented by the United States.
Quite irritating, former US Ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker arguing in support of Turkey in a panel discussion/debate on France24. Had to see with what other purpose this useful idiot was putting forth this view from the US. Apparently, Volker has found a new purpose in life outside of NATO as leader of a John McCain “think-tank”.
A transport of 800 guns intercepted in Trieste (Italy) originating from Turkey, headed for Belgium –
○ Carico di armi da guerra sequestrato a Trieste | La Stampa |
○ Russian, American envoys in Turkey warned against helping Syria’s Kurds
○ Breaking: Prominent pro-Kurdish lawyer shot dead in southeast Turkey
He’s still just a pipsqueak on the world stage.
○ Turks and Sauds to Install Sunni Terror in Damascus, Syria | May 2015 |
○ Muslim Brotherhood Axis Egypt – Turkey – Qatar Faces Defeat | July 2013 |
Remember Obama’s call for hatred of Putin’s Russia for Sochi Olympic Winter games because of suppression of LGBT rights and homophobia. It was clear this was an orchestrated western call for a boycott of Sochi and global leaders not to meet up with president Putin.
Not to defend Erdogan, who’s taking advantage of the turmoil for his own purposes, but most of the points in your remarks from memory are mostly true. Which has a lot to do with how the region became such a mess in the first place. And until we in the West start recognizing our role in that, nothing we do there is going to make things any better.
The above points are true and I have no way of assessing the truth of the others, but they sound reasonable.
The Ottoman’s could have solved most of the middle east problems by voluntarily shedding themselves of their empire instead of European powers doing it after Turkey’s disastrous entry into WW I.
Today’s assassination took place during a press conference in Elçi’s very own Diyarbakir province. The prosecutor’s office is located in the city where Erdogan held his address to his supporters today. Voices of protesters are our enemies, according to Erdogan. Incitement to hatred and worse …
○ UPDATE 3 – Turkish lawyer, police officer killed in Diyarbakir terror attack
○ US Embassy, EU ambassador extends condolences to murdered Elçi, policeman
It certainly does. Namely, there is no democracy or freedom of expression. This example does support the diary’s title.
○ Tahit Elçi: A livelong struggle for peace
“extremist groups fighting against the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad” and “Syrian ethnic Turkmen tribespeople” is that mutually exclusive?
Why would peaceful Turkmen need artillery and mortar shells for self-defense? Machine guns in a war torn land I could see, but artillery is by nature offensive not defensive.
Part of the CIA supported jihadists corridor from Turkey to Northern Syria …
○ July 1985: Reagan Compares Iran to `Murder Incorporated’ While White House Prepares to Sell Arms to Iran
○ Al-Qaeda in Syria targets Turkmen minority | Al-Monitor |
○ U.S. weighs airstrikes, aid drops for besieged Iraqi town Amerli to save 1000s Shiite Turkmen from ISIS | CNN – Aug. 2014 |
In WW II we condemned Germany and Japan for shooting at air crew who had bailed out. Now we are silent as our “ally” does it.
Oui, Erdogan is a new Hitler? Let’s keep things in perspective. Everything is already more than bad enough as it is. Let’s not try to unnecessarily go where there is nothing to find. Though my reaction to Erdogan is beginning to resemble the rabid hissy fits Putin arouses by many US cheerleaders in the west. But Hitler? No.
In 2014 I took a deep breath and waited, today I decided to speak up … in the meantime on two occasions Erdogan attempted to set fire to his very own “Reichstag” in a false flag attack.
○ Erdoğan aims at Russia with unveiled criticism on Syria | Hürriyet Daily News – Sept. 16, 2015 |
○ NATO prepared to defend ally Turkey against Russia | Hürriyet Daily News – Oct. 8, 2015 |