My hunch the Russian women are Tatars looking at geneology of the surname Chernykh – Oui

Spin-off from Ottoman Empire, Tatars in Crimea. The name Chernykh has many links to Muslim community of Tatars in Crimea, Kiev Ukraine and Tatarstan in Russia.

Mariya Chernykh married Enrique Marquez
Tatiana Chernykh married Raheel Farook in 2011, brother of shooter Syed Rizwan Farook

Man who bought guns used in shootings was related to gunman | AP |

Three years later, Raheel Farook and his wife, Tatiana, were witnesses at Marquez’s nuptials with Mariya Chernykh, Tatiana’s sister, according to Riverside County records.

    The ceremony took place at the Islamic Society of Corona-Norco, according to the marriage license, though the mosque’s facility manager denied it occurred there. Azmi Hasan said that he understood Marquez had converted to Islam, but said he was not a member of that mosque.

Raheel Farook is a Navy veteran, serving from 2003 to 2007 and earning the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, among other awards.

Marquez and Chernykh listed their address at the same Corona home where Raheel and Tatiana Farook live.

San Bernardino Attack: Visas, Wives and Terror

The Russian sisters came to the United States on visas for work or study exchange programs, according to a federal official who requested anonymity.

Islamic Terrorist Threat in the Crimea of Ukraine | Jamestown – 2009 |

The draft legislation is a product of Moskal’s new Crimean position after the Interior Ministry (MVS) and Security Service (SBU) received intelligence about the growth of Islamic terrorist groups in the peninsula. “Unfortunately in Ukraine we are faced with the problem that neither Hizb-ut-Tahrir al Islami (Islamic Liberation Party), al-Takfir wa al-Hijrah (Excommunication and Exile) and other terrorist, fundamentalist and extremist groups are not banned,” Moskal said (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 27). Hizb-ut-Tahrir is banned in many countries.

In the Crimea there are upwards of 100 members of Islamic fundamentalist groups who have arrived as political refugees from countries where they are outlawed. The largest origin of such members is Uzbekistan where Islamic fundamentalists have faced strong levels of repression from the security forces after mounting an armed uprising in Andijan against the Uzbek government in May 2005. Moskal has requested the State Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs to strip the leader of al-Takfir, Khudar Raad Mukhamad Alzhi Bur, of his Ukrainian refugee status.

Moskal pointed to how blasé the authorities had been in registering the Vozrozhdeniye newspaper which propagates support for an Islamic Caliphate and the ideas of Islamic fundamentalists. The SBU has blocked two websites – and– run by Hizb-ut-Tahrir.