If you want to go down the rabbit hole in a big way, all you have to do is start looking into the history of Marco Rubio’s brother-in-law. In particular, start looking into his boss, Guillermo Tabraue, and his connections to the CIA. The internet is filled with references to this history, although it’s almost all from “alternative” media sources of varying quality. Much of it is simply speculation and paranoia. Because the events occurred mainly in the pre-internet era, the sources tend to be from old newsletters or contained in excerpts that you can capture from Google Books. Some of it can be characterized as far right conspiracy and some of it as far left, so you have to read it all with a couple shakers of salt.

Collectively, however, I think the following links tell a story that has been buried deep in the weeds of our nation’s War on Drugs and foreign policy.

If you’re bored today and have hours to explore this history, have at it.

Creating a Crime: How the CIA Commandeered the DEA, by Douglas Valentine

Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America, By Peter Dale Scott, Jonathan Marshall

American Desperado: My Life – from Mafia Soldier to Cocaine Cowboy to Secret Government Asset, By Jon Roberts, Evan Wright

The Strength of the Pack: The Personalities, Politics and Espionage Intrigues That Shaped the DEA, By Douglas Valentine

The Rise of Marco Rubio, By Manuel Roig-Franzia

The Death in Arizona of the Kemper Marley Machine, By Brian Quig

Make sure to bring a roadmap back to reality.