I don’t really remember the last time a candidate had as good a day in polling as Sanders had today BEFORE Iowa.
Sanders +5 (Quin)
Clinton +6 (PPP)
Sanders +14 (monmouth)
Clinton 47, Sanders 41 (NYT)
These are all good pollsters. Add IDB which had Clinton up only 4 nationally (and they have an excellent track record), Marist which had him down 3 in IA and up 4 in NH, and you have an amazing set of numbers.
As if on que, Clinton then launches an attack on Single Payer suggesting Sanders was going to undermine Medicare and Medicaid, and you have a truly amazing 48 hours.
The New York Times for the first time highlighted their Democratic results, and put their GOP numbers below the fold.
Of course there is no mention of any of this on the FP of DKOS, and most of the liberal blogsphere remains spell bound by Trump.
Which means really the MSM is ahead of blogs on this – which is surely ironic.
○ Joe Biden ‘Feels the Bern’–Boosts Bernie Against Hillary
○ Joe Biden just trolled Hillary Clinton. Big time.
So much for the supposedly “liberal” HRC, warhawk and neoliberal.
Really, wouldn’t Single Payer cover the entirepopulation so that Medicare and Medicaid would be redundant? Or is thinking of parallel systems, which would unnecessarily complicate everything?
You just extend Medicare to cover everyone.
Not complicated.
Right, that’s what I thought, so why is Chelsea Clinton going around telling people Sanders would deprive the old and poor of health care when he wil create the single option for everyone. The Clintons have taken to big-time lying, the truth is getting under the skin:
“taken to”? It’s their stock in trade. When the poison pen was directed at the Bush’s I applauded. I applaud no more. Partisanship is for suckers or those in on the graft.
Front page of the concord monitor today was politifacts review of Chelsea Clinton’s statement on single payer.
○ Chelsea Clinton mischaracterizes Bernie Sanders’ health care plan | PolitiFact |
Bill & Hill may have been counting on Democrats to refrain from criticizing Chelsea for anything she says or does.
Sanders’ plan would be state-based. I’m not sure why, perhaps it’s easier to implement, or he thinks it’s politically expedient (that doesn’t make sense, though). Whatever the reason, it’s fact that it’s state-based. So Clinton is basically saying that by making it state-based, you’re giving Republicans control like they have with Medicaid expansion, thereby allowing them to deny care.
But, she’s not really attacking it as state-based. She’s attacking single-payer altogether. She’s also cribbing from the WSJ — or at least Chelsea is, as I saw her talking about Sanders’ plans costing “$19 trillion dollars”.
Really, it’s just weird, and I gotta wonder whose idea it was to think this was a good way to attack Sanders’ plan in such a disingenuous and lying manner. She could have attacked the specific bill as being state-based; she could have said that it’s a good idea but politically unrealistic, blah blah blah; shit, she could have offered a public option to counter if she needed a way to differentiate herself. But no. She’s done none of these things. Someone in her campaign either poll-tested this line of attack and it resonates more than I thought it would, or she said it off the cuff one time and then the campaign decided to stick with it. Or maybe she thought she could shore up Obama’s base by indicating that Sanders is out to trash his legacy.
I think she just puts her own political future ahead of ideologically winning an argument, so you see neoliberal attacks thinking they poll well and will secure votes. Think about her attacks on Sanders’ college plan. Obviously his plan is infinitely better than hers. Yet, she says she doesn’t want “hard working Americans to pay for Donald Trump’s kids.” To your average person, that sounds good, even though it’s terrible policy and will continue the same trend of “poor people’s programs are poor programs”.
Shameful, absolutely shameful behavior, and a clear sign of desperation. She deserves to lose.
Clinton attacks produce windfall of campaign cash for Sanders