I don’t really remember the last time a candidate had as good a day in polling as Sanders had today BEFORE Iowa.

Sanders +5 (Quin)
Clinton +6 (PPP)
Sanders +14 (monmouth)
Clinton 47, Sanders 41 (NYT)

These are all good pollsters. Add IDB which had Clinton up only 4 nationally (and they have an excellent track record), Marist which had him down 3 in IA and up 4 in NH, and you have an amazing set of numbers.

As if on que, Clinton then launches an attack on Single Payer suggesting Sanders was going to undermine Medicare and Medicaid, and you have a truly amazing 48 hours.

The New York Times for the first time highlighted their Democratic results, and put their GOP numbers below the fold.

Of course there is no mention of any of this on the FP of DKOS, and most of the liberal blogsphere remains spell bound by Trump.

Which means really the MSM is ahead of blogs on this – which is surely ironic.