Going out on a limb here.
My predictions for SC GOP primary:
Let’s see how close I come. Carson and Bush out altogether by SuperTuesday.
My prediction for next week’s Democratic primary:
Pyrrhic victory for Clinton. Victory but not enough margin to close deal before SuperTuesday.
Offered as well to my SC friends. We’ll know after Feb 27.
Cruz has failed to consolidate the Evangelical vote. In 2008 Huckabee got 48%, but Santorum got 17% in 2012.
Cruz is right now closer to Santorum’s number than Huckabee’s.
I still don’t see how Cruz doesn’t break 20 though. So I would guess
Trump 31
Cruz 24
Rubio 18
Bush 10
Kasich 8
Carson 7
I wonder if Carson is being told by establishment types to stay in the race, because he is hurting Carson among evangelicals.
Hurting Cruz? Hurting Carson seems to be the continuing point of the Carson campaign at this point.
Might also be told to stay in the race to marginally draw black voters from the Democratic primary and improve Republican exit polling among black voters.
If it’s a play to diminish Clinton against Sanders, it might turn out to be a foolish move. Clyburn has already rhetorically given himself some daylight to change to the winner if it’s Sanders either in the primary or in the nomination.
Meant to say hurting Cruz.
There was a late break upward for Kasich. I was just wondering where scared SC country clubbers would jump and thought that might be the source of the late break for Kasich–establishment types who reflect Lindsey Graham’s fear of this candidate field. If they take 7 percent from Cruz, they rise to 15, he goes to 13.
Anything – I have point shift turns a Rubio 10 point lead over Kasic into a 15-15 tie.
I don’t think people quite realize in multi-candidate fields how little it takes to significantly change the results
Those are my predictions, but I think Rubio-Cruz will be closer than your numbers.
Here’s the explanation:
Given a choice between a more strident racist that doesn’t do much “god speak” and an overt racist that does lots of “god speak,” a third goes with the strident racist and the other two have to split 59% of the evangelical vote as long as there other other contenders for those votes still in the race. Dr. Ben is apparently staying in for a while and will continue to collect some of the fundie vote.
Hillary wins by at least 20%
Polls in Nevada promise a close tally. Letting the pitbull loose in Florida …
○ Bill Clinton implies Sanders backers to Dems as tea party is to GOP
○ Facing tight race, Hillary Clinton questions Sanders’ party ties
Well, she saved Nevada. On to South Carolina!!!