I read Booman’s article for people to stop telling Bernie Sanders to drop out, and while he does make some valid points, I believe all he is doing now by staying in is hurting Hillary Clinton.
So far Bernie has had a fantastic run and I give him every credit in the world for it, but he must see the writing on the wall. Hillary is only 144 delegates away from clinching the nomination. She is going to be the nominee, unless she is indicted, (which by the way is looking less and less likely everyday). Sanders is doing the GOP’s bidding for them. By attacking Hillary, Sanders is aiding in the GOP cause. The question comes up daily as to why Clinton cannot put away Sanders. Actually, Hillary is closer to the Democratic nomination than Trump is to the GOP one, but both Ted Cruz and John Kasich saw that they were not going to catch Trump, and they did the right thing and dropped out.
The fact that Sanders is still in the race is taking valuable airtime from Hillary. In fact, both CNN and MSNBC are still shilling for Sanders on an almost daily basis, even though he has virtually no shot to win. What’s the point?? I’ve barely heard any Hillary press for the past week, and when I have, it’s usually a story about why she still still has a Sanders problem.
The Sanders campaign is rapidly losing money. He has cut his staff, is not even going to campaign in California, much if at all. The majority of Democrats have made their choice, and that choice is Hillary Clinton. Many influential Democrats as well as liberals in the media have told Bernie to do the right thing and drop out. I agree with them. The more he resists those calls, the more embarrassing it becomes. Bernie Sanders is in danger of turning a promising and uplifting campaign into one where his credibility will be totally gone.
hey, guys, who want to be first?
If anyone wants to talk soaps or 1960’s music, I’m in.
hey, I just yesterday watched about a year’s worth of Edge of Night while moving books and furniture – thanks for the suggestion.
I have Generations on my list.
will be interested to hear what you think. will rewatch some for thoughts
very beautiful video, thanks for posting!
a favorite:
Now I know why I prefer baseball. Very funny clip.
You touched this old boomer, making me remember youth , honor, and idealism. Thank You.
All through, I was hearing Simon & Garfunkel singing one of mt favorite songs.
The more Hillary’s minions scream for Sanders to quit, the more insecure she looks. I suppose in Fall you will scream that Trump should quit.
That will be fun to watch. Then the HRC trolls will miss the polite Bernie supporters as the Trumpsters bite their heads off.
What are the HRC trolls going to do when Trump bites HRC’s head off?
there’s a diary over at the Orange place pointing out that we are not “fans” (or acolytes as some here put it) but voters, citizens, supporters
I really appreciate these reminders to give Bernie my weekly small donation. Oh and Sen. Feinstein can just go shut the f*ck up.
An excellent choice to run as Hillary’s VP! True, I argued against a Senator above, but Brown is unlikely to appoint a Republican to replace her and I don’t see any strong Republican that could win a special election.
An from what Californians say here, she will not be missed in CA. A replacement might well be more Progressive. If she should succeed HRC due to untimely illness or impeachment, what’s the difference?
No. A terrible choice.
DiFi is done anyway, her term is up and she’s not running again, thank god.
Again, what’s the difference? As far as policy goes there are no differences that I’m aware of. Wanting Warren as VP in hopes that Hillary dies is a pretty weak strategy. So you Democrats should double down on feminism.
As can Senator Barbara Boxer, the Nevada “bouncer”
Gee, Bernie just came out and said electing Hillary would be a disaster for Democrats. Why doesn’t he just join Trump right now, and stop pretending to be a progressive.. Absolutely stunningly tone deaf!!
Bernie Sanders is the only Progressive in this race. Bernie Sanders has repeatedly been negative about Trump.
Bernie is right. And btw, if you’ve heard little about Hillary in the past week you probably need to get off Facebook and read a good news site.
I have! Better Trump than that sick lying weasel and her oversexed husband.
OK all you Bernie supporters, I’ll agree that Bernie should stay in the race if you answer me one question.
Hoe does Bernie Sanders win the nomination?? Don’t give me this superdelegates switching to Bernie because it hasn’t happened yet, and won’t
Tell me how Bernie gets to 2383 before Hillary, who is only 144 delegates away??
Pledged delegates are only pledged for the first ballot. Unpledged delegates (superdelegates) are official unpledged (despite endorsements) on the first ballot. You are asserting that there is enough loyalty among the Democratic establishment that makes up the unpledged delegates that Sanders cannot win even if he wins a majority of pledged delegates on the first ballot. There are some “pledged” delegations that are in reality instructed to be unpledged until the convention. And then there are delegates who refuse to honor their instructions; it has happened in the past.
People used to listen to broadcasts of conventions on radio because of the drama in not knowing who the candidate was going to be. Made them pay attention to the platform as well. After Nixon turned the 1968 convention into reality TV and the Democrats had more drama than they wished in Chicago, both parties started running scripted conventions with the field cleared in advance or in the early ballots. It became boring; people lost attention; viewership dropped; even the networks curtailed gavel-to-gavel coverage or dropped a magazine of previous and current clips.
So if the Democrats have a “brokered” convention, who will be the brokers?
The TBTF banks.
You don’t understand. Us Bernie folks want him in to the end despite the likely result. I couldn’t care less what his chances are or what Diane Feinstein says.
Anyone know what’s happening in Nevada?
The fix IS in.
I’m wondering what is going on in Baltimore.
I used to work with a man who was a Chicago democratic precinct captain before getting religion. I know EXACTLY how that works.
The Democratic Party is rotten and should die. In Fall, when in doubt between two candidates, I will lean away from the Democrat.
The votes are not counted until they are counted. There are still states yet to vote.
Jimmy Carter was criticizes (rightly) for conceding in 1980 before the polls in California, Alaska, and Hawaii were closed.
The people who are reading the handwriting on the wall for Bernie Sanders are those contributing to his campaign, organizing his get-out-the-vote campaign, and determined to vote in the remaining primaries.
One suspects the agenda of the folks nominally supporting Clinton who want Clinton to get the field cleared. It doesn’t necessary strengthen her general campaign run. The Clinton campaign needs to know that there is no breather for them on Get Out the Vote until after November — if she is as inevitable as the pundits state and the mathematics seem to indicate.
And it matters very much that nearly half of the Democratic primary voters get some tangible response out of the support they have given Bernie Sanders. They are a significant numerical constituency with an different geographical distribution that past elections.
I have read, from Sanders supporters asserting that he still has a chance, that Bernie needs 80% of the remaining delegates. Since he only gets around 60% of the delegates even in states where he won by 80%, he would need what? 90-99% of the vote? True, it’s mathematically possible but not politically possible. Even 80% in California is IMHO impossible. California isn’t white enough, blue collar enough, or poor enough. New York was a knockout punch. I’ll go out on a limb and predict 80% for Clinton. From my midwestern perspective, New York and California are not that different. Marie3 disagrees and she lives there. Perhaps I should say that NYC and LA are not that different.
The more you write these silly posts, the more embarrassing it becomes for you. And I am a very long way from being part of the Bernie or Bust faction (which I think is doing a good job of embarrassing itself).
I’m not embarrassed at all. I simply state a question. Bernie says he’s in it to win. He thinks he still has a chance. OK then how does he do it?? There is no evidence that super-delegates are about to bolt from Hillary. She has 2240 pledged and super-delegates, just 143 to go to make her the Democratic nominee. Bernie Sanders has 1473, 767 behind Hillary. There are 902 delegates left, and 50 or so super-delegates out there. Sanders would have to win 85% of the remaining delegates to win. The math doesn’t add up.
Dump Hillary!!! Trump 2016!!!
Vote for the populist not the candidate of Wall Street.